How To Target Custom Audiences On Facebook

Facebook’s latest custom audience features make it much easier to target specific audiences according to their connection and engagement with your Facebook page.

Previously, it was difficult to reach specific people via Facebook because posts would either be shared with the entire Facebook audience or a small segmented group.With six new ways to segment target audiences, Facebook has re invented its ability to reach people who will most likely interact and engage with specific pages and ads.  Facebook has come up with new strategies to help target more specific groups of people and ultimately, improve the ability to advertise and market on Facebook. By following the descriptive instructions mentioned on social media examiner, Facebook users can quickly promote positive impact for their businesses and ideas using the Ads Manager tab.

The options for audience segmentation can be quite broad or quite narrow depending on how you customize and target your settings. The broadest option targets anyone who has visited your Facebook page or interacted your pages content. A narrower option is to select anyone who has visited your page. This tool would be useful for people who often visit your page and are likely to click on the ad and then download a coupon or provide a direct response to the ad. A third, even narrower option is to select an audience that have engaged with with your page using reactions, including like, love, haha, sad etc. This tool is likely to cause better click through rates due to the fact the people seeing it have already showed strong interest or emotion toward your ads in the past. Another strategy is to target people who have previously clicked on your call to action button, for example a shop now link or make a reservation now button. You could even target people who clicked on it previously but did not end up buying anything to gather some interesting research about the effectiveness of your ad. Targeting people with a Facebook message who have previously messaged you is a narrow way to reach a hyper-responsive group. They have reached out to you in the past meaning they have a rooted interest in your company or product. Targeting people who have saved your post is the best strategy for top-of-funnel content campaigns that are meant to re-capture individuals who have previously found your content important enough to save.

All of these options also contain features that allow you to name the specific, segmented group and choose a duration for that audience. The longer the duration that you select the larger the group will be. You have to decide how far back you want to go when selecting duration for your audience. According to response rates and reach ability, the benefits of custom audience building has been incredible due to the relevance and connection that the tools provide between the user and the ad. The tools cause Facebook users to be more likely to engage and buy according to Social Media Examiner This is ultimately the goal of ads in the first place, so keep it up Facebook!