Is Social Media Influencing Your Vote?

Whether it is Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter or any blog site, the election is very present. Although it is good for us to stay informed, is there a point to where it is too much? Depending on the sites and pages, it is easy to tell what side the publisher is on.

This election has been unlike many others for various reasons. However, the biggest reason is that the social media trumppresence between the two candidates has been bigger than in past elections. The use of social media has increased drastically in the last four years. Both candidates and their teams are positing about themselves daily. In addition to this, social media publishers are taking it upon themselves to post about the candidates as well.

Who are the biggest social media users? High school, college and post-grad students. This is both good and bad. It is good in the sense that we are all staying well informed about the election. We are also aware of what is going on and are learning more intimate information about the candidates through blog sites. However, the blogs can be bad in the sense that they can sway our opinions. Depending on what the latest scandal is, blog sites clintonsuch as Buzzfeed and Elite Daily are on top of giving us all the latest gossip. If voters are more pro-Trump or pro-Hillary, they are more likely to read the negative posts about the other. This bias can lead readers to have a hazed view about the candidates because they are choosing to read certain information that they like.

These biases are later strengthened through pictures on Instagram, Snapchat filters and comments made on Twitter. Before the election started, we didn’t know the account’s who we follow political standing. As a result of this, our feeds are filled with political memes that are very clearly for one candidate or the other.