Social Media

Digital communications has rapidly become one of the most important aspects of any business. Word of mouth used to be the best form of advertising; now the best “word of mouth” is actually social media. Social media is no longer just for connecting with old friends or for kids on the Internet, every major business and most small business are on multiple types of digital media.
Websites and email are the obvious first steps in digital communications. Websites provide a place for customers to find information, ask questions, and learn more about the brand they would like to use. This is also the best place for companies to state all the information they feel necessary and cultivate their own image. Listening posts can also be placed on websites, so that consumers may post comments, ratings, and/or questions for the company.

Email is the most convenient and most professional form of online business communication. Email can be used to reach the company internally or external consumers in an efficient manner.
Another form of internal communication can be through blogs. Many companies find it useful to have an internal blog to communicate messages and thoughts to members. Blogs are also useful externally, whether in garnering attention or providing information on a company.
Again, the heaviest hitter of digital communication is social media. There are many types of social media now, and all can be useful to a company if maintained correctly. Social media should reflect the attitude of its company, and never overwhelm customers with too much activity. It is important to find the voice and balance of a company’s social media accounts to best represent the entire corporation.