The New Snapchat Update and User Responses

The new Snapchat update included a lot of changes, most of them have not been well received. Snapchat hoped the changes would “make it easier to stay in touch with your friends, discover exciting new content from around the world, and just use the app in general.” Despite Snapchat’s good intentions, users say they missed the missed the mark. 

New Snapchat Update

What Changes Came with the New Snapchat Update

With then new Snapchat update, you will no longer find a Stories Page. Now, when you swipe right from your camera, you’ll find a list of your friends, their snaps, chats and stories. Your friends list is organized by “who you keep in touch with and who’s contacted you most recently.” When a friend has updated their Story, they’ll have a circular preview framed in blue. Just click on the preview to watch their story. Once you’ve watched a friend’s Story, you’ll see a preview of your next friend’s Story. Just keep tapping to keep the Stories rolling!

Swiping lift from your camera will bring you to the Discover screen. This is where you will find “Shows, content from publishers, Stories from celebrities you follow and Snaps from creators and the community.” If you find a Story you like, just press and hold the Story title to subscribe that Story and others like it.

To find out more about Snapchat’s new update.

What Users are Saying About the New Snapchat Update

Saying that the new Snapchat update hasn’t been well received is an understatement. With more than 1.5 million retweets, “The Snapchat Update Sucks,” is the fifth most retweeted tweet of all time. When angry users didn’t receive a response, they started the Remove the new Spachat Update petition. So far, more than one million users have signed the petition. Many users are even resorting to taking the many steps required to rollback the new Snapchat update. There are endless examples of the way users are lashing out against the new Snapchat update. In fact, you will be hard pressed to find a post, article or page, not sponsored by Snapchat, that speaks positively about the new Snapchat update.

What are your thoughts about the new Snapchat update? Leave a comment.

Alex Twiss
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9 thoughts on “The New Snapchat Update and User Responses

  1. Not a fan of the Snapchat update either, however I’m sure I’ll forget the old SC layout soon and get over it! ?

  2. I did not update my snap chat and hope my phone does not do it on its own. All my family and friends hate it.

  3. I was barely learning the old layout & then boom all of a sudden it was changed and I’m lost all over again. #changeitback

  4. I definitely use it less since the update
    Why did it have to auto update? ? #notcool #changeitback

    • Check out the link I provided in a reply below. It will tell you how to rollback to the old version. I have not tried it yet. Let me know if it works for you. :o)

      • I don’t know if I hate it enough to go through all those steps. Has anyone tried the steps out? Did it work?

    • If you hate the new Snapchat update here’s a link with instructions on how to get the old one back. I have not tried it yet. Let me know if it works for you!

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