The Social Media Guide

Social Media Platforms

Social media is the voice of your brand; therefore, you need to understand each social media platform before creating a social media strategy to target your consumers. It’s clear, the digital world is constantly changing and adapting. Even if you do not consider yourself tech-savvy, understanding the fundamental basics of each social media platform is a great place to start. This article is a step-by-step guide to solving all your problems in the social media world. 

These are the four core social media platforms – Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ that this blog will teach you and the benefits of each channel. 

First, you need to ask yourself several important questions like, “How will your brand efficiently communicate with your consumers?” Furthermore, think about what type of personality do you want your brand to convey to your audience? Another important question to ask yourself is, “What are your goals?” Perhaps you are looking to drive sales or build strong brand awareness with your consumer base. Setting simple goals will point you in the right direction, so make sure you have a clear understanding of what you want to get out of your brand’s social media marketing efforts.


Social Media: Instagram

Instagram is unique compared to the other three platforms because it establishes a visual appeal to your audience. Unlike Twitter, Instagram focuses on imagery allowing users to post images and short videos to grab your attention rather than the text itself. This tool can be very useful when launching a new product or creating brand awareness. Some benefits include: 

·     Determines the number of impressions and reach your post had on your audience.

·     Builds brand awareness by establishing a personality to your brand.

·     Allows for instant gratification with instant postings of images or video content.


Social Media: Twitter

Twitter is considered a staple social media channel that offers a variety of benefits to your business. For example, Twitter is a great way to reach your target in an efficient and informal manner. When you tweet on this platform, Twitter only allows for 280 characters per post limiting what information you put out there. Usually, information placed on this platform is considered timely, relevant, and informative. Below is a list of ways Twitter can boost your business plan.

·     The power of sharing. People use this platform because they can quickly access information as well as easily like or share with others with just a click. This allows your business to stay on top of quick and up-to-date information. 

·     Use of keywords and hashtags. This allows for efficient and effective research with your current audience. It also provides insight into what your target audience likes, shares and/or dislikes. 


Social Media: Google+

Google+ is a very powerful tool to understand when placing a strong emphasis on search engine optimization (SEO). This platform impacts consumers with online research. If you want to grow your brand awareness and rank higher on keyword searches, then you should take advantage of this platform. Below, is a list of just a few of the benefits Google+ can give your business: 

·     Increase brand awareness by ranking higher on keyword searches. 

·     Helps to produce engaging and useful content on a regular basis with consumers.

·     Helps to connect with others, ranking your page higher than your top competitors.


Social Media: LinkedIn

LinkedIn mainly focuses on network and building your brand’s credibility. Normally, LinkedIn users are in the older age range group like college-educated business professionals. This platform can be useful for educating others with relevant content that can also be shared among other businesses. Here are some ways LinkedIn can help grow your brand: 

·     Growing your LinkedIn network can help to generate leads. This tool can help you to find connections with others you may have otherwise missed. 

·     Establish your credibility by sharing educational and valuable content.

Now that you have a basic understanding of these four core platforms, you can evaluate your options when building a social media plan to help grow your brand. Each of these platforms provide a variety of unique benefits; therefore, invest your time in learning more about each of them when developing your business plan. 

Click here to find out more about the benefits of social media marketing.