#PoundSign to #Hashtag

What is the point of a hashtag on Twitter? Are they necessary for every tweet? In my opinion, hashtags create a different way of expressing keywords and/or topics related to your tweet, which brings creativity to social media. However, other users on Twitter use hashtags for surveys, contests and sometimes to express their “inner” thoughts and that’s when hashtags become personal.twitter 1


Lets get this straight, hashtags are for Twitter only, not Facebook, not LinkedIn, not YouTube, only Twitter and maybe Instagram. Many people overuse hashtag phrases on other social media networks for introducing their side thoughts. Hashtags are for side notes not side thoughts. Others might disagree with me about this topic but lets be honest, it was invented with Twitter and is known to be used for keyword related topics.

clever hashtag

Why #hashtag? Lets get behind the real reason why hashtags are being used. Number 1: You are able to categorize your tweets so that it can be easier to find in the Twitter search. Number 2: You can use a certain hashtag to find a certain conversation that is trending for example our Digital Communications class is known for #digcom.

Of course there are multiple other reasons to use hashtags but these two are some of the biggest reasons, I mean lets be honest it was the most popular trend back in 2010! So #hashtag away and find conversations that you want to be apart of everyday.

Kara Goldstein
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