Pinterest for Business: Maximizing the Platform.

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Pinterest is a viable social marketing tool for many businesses. The platform allows users to “pin” items and ideas that interest them. Pins are then categorized into various “boards.” Essentially, pinning a page means saving it, and boards are like virtual file folders. Users may then go back and use their boards to make purchasing decisions, or for other inspiration.

Businesses may take advantage of this process by first creating their own account. However, not all businesses are best suited for Pinterest. Businesses that focus on heavily industrial products or products users do not typically see in their everyday lives may not have much luck on Pinterest. On the contrary, businesses that create, sell or promote tangible products or ideas tend to thrive on Pinterest. Consumers constantly seek clothing and food items and inspiration, so businesses that fit into these categories especially are a great fit for Pinterest.


Next, a business must take the time to make sure the company Pinterest account is active. For consumers to keep coming back, the page must have new products, ideas or inspiration added daily. While it may not be possible to add products daily, a business may utilize Pinterest for sharing their culture with customers as well. Quotes, photos and even links to other sites or articles may be promoted on Pinterest. Alternating between adding photos, adding quotes and adding external links keeps a businesses Pinterest profile active, without requiring constant product development from the business alone.


Another important aspect of Pinterest for business is that the platform does not require much two-way communication. Unlike Twitter or Facebook, where a consumer seeks a response from the company, Pinterest is much less time consuming. Pinterest simply requires the businesses to upload content, and the rest is in the hands of the consumer. Pinterest offers a lot of exposure, for a minimum effort.

Cait Chapman
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