Will Republicans Catch Up?

After the 2012 election, it was obvious that Republicans had lost their edge over the Democrats in the technology realm. However, young strategists in the Republican Party have now been thinking of ways to overhaul the technology infrastructure for the next elections.

An article by Time clearly points out the dilemma Republicans are facing. It discusses how Patrick Ruffini, a top Republican strategist, attended a Democratic conference on digital and grassroots strategies. There, he quickly realized how far behind Republicans were on technology.

He also realized that Republicans are behind on providing infrastructure to train new strategists. Without the ability to pass on technology and skills to new leaders, it will be impossible for Republicans to ever catch up with the Democrats in campaign technology. Therefore, he is now working with young Republican strategists to build this infrastructure.

This is very promising for Republicans, as Ruffini has a lot of background in political campaign strategies. He was one of the top strategists for President Bush’s reelection campaign in 2004. He now runs his own company called Engage, which is devoted entirely to helping campaigns win through the use of online strategies.

Ruffini’s company is actually very sophisticated in their ideas of developing a winning campaign. His team works to find ways for candidates to use Google, social media, and blogs to pull off a win. They have built relations with top bloggers and other influential people online. Finally, they find ways to maximize online advertising and build a donor base, all elements essential to winning a campaign.

Patrick Ruffini is just one of the top Republican strategists working on building this new infrastructure for the party. As technology advances and social media continues to expand, political strategists will need to keep up or risk being left behind. The Republicans may now finally have a chance to catch up to the Democrats in the next election.