Satisfy Those Cravings: Fill Your Feeds with Food

This is an example of influencers who post about food.

You can’t deny your love for food! Pictures of late-night cravings or Sunday brunch fill your social feeds with food. For some, these posts inspire a quick run to the nearest Trader Joe’s to try a healthier option. And for others, food posts influence an extra-large with extra cheese pizza after a night out. Social media influences consumer’s consumption habits. You trust the restaurant recommendations and trending product tips from influencers you follow. Social feeds with food have opened a new avenue of brand awareness. Here’s how food influencers are transforming social media.

A New Perspective on Cultural Experiences

First, feeds with food influence our cultural awareness. Food influencers are motivating and exposing their followers to try new cuisines from all around the world. For example, pictures of ramen flooded social timelines sparking lines outside authentic ramen shops. Various cuisine content inspires individuals to buy new ingredients from cultures they are unfamiliar with. Social media introduces you to a new menu giving your tastebuds a surprise.

Ultimately, food influencers are forced outside their comfort zone. To create innovative social content, they stay up to date with the latest trends and events.Their followers are anticipating new suggestions of where to eat and opinionated reviews that influence their weekly meals. Influencers are the first to know about new openings and experiences their social network should try. And feeds with food emphasize, the ability to try new and unique cuisines.

Hop on the Latest Health Trends

Food influencers have also enabled visibility for cleaner eating. This year, vegan food has been most popular throughout social media. This suggests individuals want more tips on sustaining a healthier lifestyle. Everyone is allowed a cheat day here and there, but nutritionists and dietitians have evolved the way food content is consumed.

This is an Instagram post by @deliciouslyella.

For example, @deliciouslyella uses her page to highlight her plant-based lifestyle. She frequently posts recipes to satisfy cravings in a more nutritious way.

Increase Brand Visibility

Before social media existed, word of mouth inspired your purchases. Today, influencer marketing does. “Foodies” are spreading their opinions on local restaurants and brands throughout their digital communities. 71% of consumers are more likely to engage with a brand or purchase a product based on a social media referral. If you’re a brand within the food industry, use these influencers to your advantage. Read more about how to successfully work with influencers here.

Food influencers have transformed social media. Consumers are introduced to new cuisines, experiences and restaurants. Filling feeds with foods is a quick way to ensure brand engagement. Ultimately, social media wouldn’t be the same without “foodies”.