Hashtag Activism: What is it and how do we use it?

Arms holding phone and microphone for hashtag activism.

What is it?

Hashtag activism is when you build public support through social media channels with a keyphrase relevant to a cause. Since information spreads fast online, especially through social media platforms, it is the perfect way to organize it. Examples of hashtag activism: #MeToo, #NeverAgain, #BlackLivesMatter, #alsicebucketchallenge.

Catalyst for Change

There are a variety of reasons people use this form of advocacy

  • Political
  • Awareness
  • Social
  • Anti-Racism and Descrimination
  • Women’s Rights
  • Trends
  • Publishing
  • LGBTQ+ Rights

When done right, it can be a catalyst for positive change and spread worldwide.

Developing a Strategy

When choosing a hashtag name check the tag first to make sure it does not already have a negative connotation. Time efficiency is key when launching your campaign, make sure your team knows when to use the appropriate tag for correlating posts. Tags also keep the campaign organized and one can see what falls under the scope of the campaign. Frequently check the hashtag to make sure negative content is not being categorized under it.

Knowing When To Post

Pause and review your social media calendar or scheduler. Postpone some posts if needed but during the pause evaluate what movement you want to join. For example, during the climate strike last September, brands like Patagonia and Lush went “dark”, closed stores, and donated ad space to support the movement. Knowing when to post or to appropriately post will resonate with your audience more. Do not try to profit from your support. It will make the company appear ungenuine and customers will call out your brand immediately.

Don’t be afraid to use hashtags to promote activism, it can be a game-changer!