No More Fake News from Google and Facebook

As of this week, steps are being taken to make sure there is no more fake news from Google and Facebook. These online giants took action to implement policies to put an end to the spread of fake news on their sites. Last year’s presidential brought fake news into the spotlight. Many voters fell victim to false information found on Google or their own Facebook news feed. By using third-party fact checkers, Google and Facebook look to put the truth out to the public.No More Fake News from Google and Facebook

Importance of Ending Fake News

Although Facebook makes money from advertisers, they refuse to allow fake news organizations to advertise on their news feed. Facebook decided that providing truthful information hold greater importance than increased advertising revenues in the short run. As the world’s most popular search engine, Google relays information to millions of users every day. Google believes that this information should be truthful. However, they do not consider themselves the authority on truth. With such high usage comes a certain responsibility to ensure that the public has correct information. Both Facebook and Google commit themselves to providing valuable content to its users and fake news holds no value in today’s digital sphere.

What are They Doing About It

Google’s decision to add a “Fact Check” tag to results that are news related on its site is the first major world-wide step to end fake news. Third party companies screen content to certify that fake news stays out of users’ lives. Furthermore, websites have to use certain coding to make sure that Google can ensure the information is real. When so many people use Google on a daily basis, the importance of keeping fake news out is vital. Similarly, Facebook has employed a response to fake news by having third parties monitor the site for false reports. Facebook also attempts to teach its users what fake news looks like so they can police material on their own.

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Sarah Neason