How To Gain Twitter Followers and Keep Them

Twitter is Powerful with a Strong Audience

Celebrities, executives, politicians, and businesses all use Twitter to reach their target audiences. It is a powerful tool but only if used correctly. An account must have a strong following in order to experience the benefits of Twitter. There are different tips to follow in order to gain Twitter followers, but also keep them.

Tips to Gain Twitter Followers

Know Your Audience

It is important as a Twitter user to know your audience so you can keep them entertained. If you are make-up professional, people are most likely following you because they are interested in beauty. Stay current with this audience by tweeting make-up tips or talking about new trends. You are a news source, so keep it fresh and entertaining.

Connect With Similar Accounts

Use Twiends, to find Twitter users with similar interests. By following accounts with interests similar to your own, you will be listed on that platform. Users then searching under those interests will see your account. Plus, following accounts with similar interests gives you the opportunity to retweet them, or start a conversation.

Add Photos

When posting a tweet, add an image to correspond. This will make the tweet stand out in a feed, especially with an enticing photograph. Research also suggest that tweets with an image get 18% more engagement than tweets without an image.

Promote Using Other Social Media

Use Instagram or YouTube accounts to promote your Twitter page. Followers on those social media sites are likely to follow you on Instagram as well. Promote aspects that differentiate your Twitter account from other social media sites. Offer contests or Q&A sessions, or promote discussions.

Inspirational Tweets

Tweet inspirational or motivational messages. They can be either from your account or using an image. These are easily retweetable. Retweets can reach a vast number of people with a retweeted retweet.