Describing Descriptions: How to Use Pinterest Descriptions

Use Pinterest descriptions

Use Pinterest descriptions to optimize your pin searchability and increase traffic.

You might be thinking that nobody pays attention to the descriptions on Pinterest. After all, Pinterest is all about the images, so why bother giving more than minimal attention to the copy? You would be wrong! Understand right now that if you use Pinterest descriptions effectively it will increase traffic to your pins. You want more traffic, right? It only translates to better brand recognition and increased sales, after all.

Use Pinterest Descriptions for Searchability

Pinterest may be all about visual content, but every search algorithm uses numbers and words to categorize content. Pinterest is no exception. That means if you want pinners to find an easier time discovering your content, then write descriptions with key words that they are likely to use. This applies both to descriptions of the boards as well as the individual pins. Hashtags can also be used in your pins, but not your board descriptions. Keep in mind that the functionality of hashtags in Pinterest is quite different than that of Twitter or Instagram (learn more), and sometimes using hashtags only draws users away from your content. A good rule of thumb is to use them sparingly.

Use Pinterest Descriptions to Describe

This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised by the number of times a pinner doesn’t say anything about the pin in their description. Use colorful language that conveys exactly what the content is, using key words when possible. This applies to boards as well as individual pins. Typically pins with an average of 300 characters get the most repins, so use that space to draw in users. Be creative and fun with the descriptions. Remember, many pinners don’t edit the description when they repin, so your message could be reaching countless others. Take advantage of that and utilize your descriptions.

Use Pinterest Descriptions as a Call-to-Action

Use a call-to-action such as "like us" to generate additional engagement.

Use a call-to-action such as “like us” to generate additional engagement.

Whether you give a clickable link, ask users to follow you, or just request a repin, a call-to-action is a great way to generate engagement. If the user is already interested enough to view your pin, then maybe they’ll go through the next step and are willing to engage. Let them know there is more information available at your website. Tell them there is more to learn on your other boards. The goal with a call-to-action is to make it easy for users to have a reason to engage with you.

It’s easy to overlook something so basic as pin and board descriptions. You know now not to overlook such a valuable tool in your Pinterest account. Thanks for reading! Please comment below with your thoughts.

Some more information: 6 Tips for Writing Effective Pin Descriptions on Pinterest – Social Marketing Writing


John Camp