
I don’t see very many people whipping mid-sized sedans around on frozen lakes, but if you look at some car commercials today you would probably think that is what they are built for.  What gives?

ADVENTURE! Adventure is very popular right now. So many ad campaigns for cars, clothing, cameras, and other consumer products are centered around being durable and perfect for ADVENTURE. How many people are actually going on adventures though? Or using their products the way they were used in the advertisements?

Social Media has brought on this increased attractiveness of adventure.

Cover photos! Everyone’s cover photo on facebook is of them standing on a rock in the woods. ADVENTURE! My cover photo is of me flipping over in a canoe. ADVENTURE! People want other people to know that they don’t spend all their time in front of a screen liking pictures of cool places all day. That’s why advertisers are telling everyone to get outside and do something. ADVENTURE!

I am glad that this is happening. I am a boyscout. I like being outside, and if buying high tech adventure pants is going to make you leave your screen and walk around in the woods for a while then I am all for it.

Andrew Colton
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