TikTok Demographics: How it Effects PR

TikTok has taken the social media world by storm since its inception in 2016. Knowing how to interpret TikTok demographics can better help your business and understand the public and its trends.
In this blog, I will detail TikTok demographic data and how it affects businesses’ approaches toward PR.

TikTok Demographics and Statistics

  • It is the fastest-growing social media platform, nearly doubling its active user count in the past 4 years
  • 57% of TikTok users are female
  • The largest demographic of users are females between the ages of 18-24 (23.8%), with over 40% of users being anyone between those ages
  • 53% of the content creators are between the ages of 18-24 (all genders)
Pictured above is a chart showing the TikTok demographics through percentage of users by age. (25% 10-19, 22% 20-29, 22% 30-39, 20% 40-49, 11% 50+)

Click here for more demographic information.

How to Interpret This Data

Learning your target audience is an essential task for every business. Gen Z is a known generation to seek the truth and nothing but the truth. It has caused businesses to change how they address certain issues within their company. There is not only a motivation for transparency within companies there is now a need for so. There are content creators who are PR Professionals who communicate to the public PR events in a more digestible manner. Molly McPherson is a content creator who reviews public relations events and stunts on her TikTok page “@mollybmcpherson.” She’s a practicing professional who discusses current PR news and events on TikTok, where she has over 470k followers and more than 7 million likes. People like Molly are generating more awareness for PR, the implications it has for the public, and how knowleadgable the average person can now be in PR stunts.

Businesses must go to greater lengths to hide information from the public, and if/when that information gets out then all hell breaks loose. Keeping up with modern demographic data is essential to stay ahead of the public and hopefully evade any crisis fiasco your company may bring.

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