How to Use TikTok to Connect with Gen Z

A post showing TikTok content which is used to connect brands with Gen Z users.

Connecting with Gen Z

It’s no secret that TikTok has emerged as one of the most preferred and utilized social media applications in recent history. What sets TikTok apart from its competition is that younger audiences are drawn to the app. With short-form, engaging content, TikTok provides brands a way to reach younger audiences. Listed below is a comprehensive guide that explains how brands can connect with Gen Z using TikTok.

The Importance of Authenticity

Younger social media users are drawn to content that feels authentic. With finding content on TikTok being so easy, users will simply swipe away from a video that they are uninterested in. Brands can successfully use TikTok to connect with Gen Z by creating well-thought-out, authentic content that is both engaging and genuine.

TikTok has become synonymous with trends and challenges as they find popularity quickly. Brands can leverage the popularity of trends by creating content that follows an existing trend. They can also do this by creating trends that users can participate in. This allows brands to remain topical and boost engagement with users. It’s important for brands to know when a trend has died out to avoid creating content that won’t be seen.

Short-Form Content

In recent history, the attention spans of younger generations have become shorter and shorter. However, brands can leverage this and connect with Gen Z by creating short, flashy content. Capturing your brand’s message with short, visually appealing content will capture the attention of younger users and further boost engagement.

Use Hashtags Strategically

Hashtags essentially act as the currency of TikTok. Utilizing trending hashtags can better ensure that your content will be seen by those scrolling the app. It is also wise for brands to create their own hashtags and continue using them in order to generate more brand awareness among younger crowds.