Professional Dating? LinkedUp App Romantically Connects LinkedIn Users

LinkedUp uses LinkedIn for professional dating

Surely the creators of LinkedIn  never anticipated the site functioning as an online dating tool.  However, with the advent of LinkedUp, LinkedIn can now be used for “professional” dating.

Users of the LinkedUp app login to their LinkedIn profile.  LinkedUp then creates its own profile, pulling information LinkedUp adfrom LinkedIn such as users’ industries, schools and jobs.  Users can see the profiles of other LinkedIn users who share similar careers.   Users will also see how many connections they share, and who the shared connections are.  Then, much like the popular app Tinder, users can choose to “like” or “pass” the profile.  If two users “like” each other’s profile, LinkedUp will then start a conversation between the two.

LinkedUp creator Max Fischer highlights his perceived benefits of LinkedUp when he says, “It answers where you’re from, what you do and where you went to school,” says Fischer. “These are the initial questions people ask at a bar to gain rapport between two people. That’s the awesomeness about it – LinkedIn is a great platform. It gives you a very true sense of those things that I just mentioned.”

Fischer explains his idea for creating the site came after he and friends looked to LinkedIn to find dates.  He explains, ““It’s just a new medium for people to find quality people…I’ve gone on dates through LinkedIn and found people have more in common as a result. You’re able to see a little more about someone.”

I think LinkedUp is a very poor idea.  The app mixes two worlds that should stay separate: the professional world and the dating world.  And, although LinkedUp explains that it will never post any information to LinkedIn, I would be very skeptical about the data stored on LinkedUp.  Young professionals could make serious mistakes using LinkedUp which might then affect the rest of their careers.  I find LinkedUp to be a horrible idea and would seriously caution anyone who considers using the app.


Chelsea Grogan