How to Make Your Brand Successful on Instagram

Instagram is a social media powerhouse that has become one of the most used platforms around the world. It is a mobile photo-sharing network that is entertaining, engaging and manageable to users. Instagram Logo

It is no surprise that Instagram has over 500 million active users, and continues to impress the world with its astounding growth. Companies are facing the ultimate digital challenge due to the high demand in social media networking. Most, if not all companies I talk to are all facing the same issue: How to “beef” up, or “start” their Instagram presence.

I’m not going to beat around the bush. The truth is, it won’t happen over night. It sounds brainless, but don’t be fooled. Heavy time commitment, patience and creativity are needed for a successful Instagram page.

Without these 3 Instagram essentials, your Instagram marketing plan is doomed:

  1. Target Audience

Who is the niche focus of your company? Who is the age range and demographic you are targeting? What do you want them to see or think? It is essential that your brand presence caters’ to your specific audience. Your brand needs to give this audience something that no other company is doing. Strategy is key for targeting your audience through your Instagram feed. Once you have your key demographics locked in, you can stop honing in on one certain niche, and start expanding.

  1. Human-Touch

To be successful on Instagram, your followers need to feel a sense of human touch through your feed. Yeah, your page may be for selling a product. But a key component of selling something is selling it with your personality. You may be behind a screen, but the personality of the brand needs to be heard. The voice of the brand must remain consistent throughout every post. If you have multiple people managing the account, establish firm standards and a consistent brand voice.

  1. Consistency

To keep your followers actively engaged on your page, consistency is key. They are following you for a reason. Post frequently, but not too frequently. Be aware of the filters you choose. Try and keep your page looking consistent, even with each photo edit. Post photos relating to a similar area of work. Once you get your follower retention high, you can experiment more and gradually make changes. With any company brand, is it always important to remain consistent, even on Instagram.

Kasey Ruth
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