The New Facebook Update Infuriates Users Worldwide

The new Facebook update infuriates users worldwide due to the new, dramatically enlarged font when one posts a status shorter than 35 characters long.

Facebook Update Infuriates Users WorldwideThe most recent Facebook update infuriates users worldwide due to the new, unwanted font used when one posts a status that is shorter than 35 characters. This new font gives users unnecessary stress and anxiety. The usual size is 12-point font, but with the new update it is now 24-point font. It is not only extremely large and bold, but many find it to be random and overbearing.

According to the Independent, a Reddit user said, “I liked the old Facebook better. The big fonts look like screaming”.

Why Did Facebook Change the Font?

It is currently unknown why Facebook made this unpopular change to the site. The reasoning for this update is definitely up in the air at this point. Some might think the font is meant for status’ to stand out more on the news feed. Others might think it is for vision purposes so status’ are easier to read on the screen. Unfortunately, no one knows the actual reason. And it is because of this uncertainty that the new Facebook update infuriates users worldwide.

Fortunately for users, it is possible to avoid using this font. If users include multimedia in their post, such as a location tag or a photo, the font will not appear. With all of the negativity regarding this update, lets hope Facebook makes a flashback to the past and changes the font back to the original.


Katie Senske