Why Podcasts Are Popular

Why podcasts are popular could relate to multiple growing trends in multitasking and listening as well as increased accessibility. In recent years podcasts have gained popularity, specifically in relation to availability on music streaming platforms. A mix of easy access, variety of topics, and iconic hosts have developed the trend of increased activity of podcast listeners.  

Easier Availability

Technology has made access to podcasts easier than ever before. This easier access has provided a more accessible foundation as to why podcasts are popular. Streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music have developed a wide variety of connections as a direct channel that can supply entertainment to a wide range of audiences. 

Variety of Topics

Why Podcasts Are Popular

The genre of podcasts has developed a diverse variety of topics for their listeners which proves another reason as to why podcasts are popular. This variety of topics allows podcasts to reach an audience and fit a variety of lifestyles. Topics such as: crime, motivational, educational, political, and gossip grant endless possibilities to listening topics for an audience. This transition has led the genre to drift away from a boring chore into an engaging activity. 

Iconic Channels

Within the variety of topics, there are many different podcast celebrities that file into this genre. While podcasts popularity is not trending towards taking over the music industry, it is notable that many podcasters have developed high volumes of invested fandoms. It could be argued that there are a variety of podcasters that rival large numbers of pop star fanbases. Try out these iconic channels to see why podcasts are popular to these fandoms!

Easier availability, a variety of topics, and iconic channels have transitioned the podcast genre as a popular alternative to listening to music. Podcasts have altered their branding into becoming an engaging activity for listeners, thus proving why podcasts are popular.  

Kayla Bowmer
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