Teaching your Grandma: Instagram

Instagram is like a second language to any Gen Z, but to any grandma, it is a foreign language. We all know that Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos with their followers. But our feeds won’t be complete without the presence of our loving grandmas. Teaching your grandma to use Instagram is easy with just a few simple steps.

This is a photo of a grandmas instagram photo. It shows the caption as #selfiesunday and some fun comments.
Grandma is on IG!

Step 1: Download Instagram

To get started with Instagram, you must teach your grandma how to download the app on her phone. If she doesn’t have a phone, no worries; Instagram is available for free on both the App Store for iPhone and iPad users and the Google Play Store for Android users.

Step 2: Create an Account

Creating an account comes next. To create an account, simply follow the prompts and provide the necessary information, such as your name and email address. Here comes the fun part; the Instagram handle. While we kids like to use our names, grandmas have full creative liberty to their names. Some suggestions include @AvasGrandma or @ihave10grandkids.

Step 3: Take or Choose a Picture

Here comes the essential step, teaching your grandma to choose a picture. This step requires the most help. You must explain that she can take a photo on the app or choose one from her phone’s camera roll. When explaining taking a new photo, just simply say tap the camera icon in the middle of the bottom of the screen. And when explaining how to choose a photo from the camera roll, tell her to tap the square icon in the screen’s bottom left corner. Once the photo it picked, it is time to edit. Show your grandma your favorite filters and have her stick with those.

Step 5: Write a Caption

Writing a caption is fairly easy. Suggest what to say and leave it at that. Remind your grandma that people can see what she writes, so no embarrassing stories.

Step 6: Post the Picture

Now it is go time. When the picture is ready for the world, have your grandma tap the “Share” button in the top right corner of the screen. Make sure you explain that that photo will now be posted on your Instagram profile for your followers to see. Teaching your grandma to use Instagram can be a fun bonding activity that will most certainly confuse her but will give you joy.

Ava Jane McNeill
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