Teaching your Grandma: Instagram

Instagram is like a second language to any Gen Z, but to any grandma, it is a foreign language. We all know that Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos with their followers. But our feeds won’t be complete without the presence of our loving grandmas. Teaching your grandma to use Instagram is easy with just a few simple steps.

This is a photo of a grandmas instagram photo. It shows the caption as #selfiesunday and some fun comments.
Grandma is on IG!
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Utilizing LinkedIn as a Powerful Tool

As a young professional, networking can be one of the most essential tools for advancing your career. One of the most effective ways to network is through LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional social network. LinkedIn is a powerful tool that can help you connect with people in your industry, explore job opportunities, and showcase your skills and achievements.

Graphic showcasing the LinkedIn logo with an individual talking about the platform to a crowd.
LinkedIn Graphic
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Back to the Basics for Digital Communication

Digital Communication has made its mark on our modern world. Where would we be without emailing, instant messaging, websites, texts, and videos? How will we get back to the basics of digital communication? It has elevated education, business, and politics and ultimately changed how we operate and collaborate. It is ever-evolving, and new elements are coming to the surface every day.

Here are more examples of how getting back to the basics can elevate your social media marketing.
Fig. 1 SproutSocial
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