Spring Break From Social Media

Have you ever felt so burnt out from social media that you almost deleted your accounts? Seen too much political post or felt discouraged? Wanted to get away but unsure how? Well, this is the start of spring break from social media! Whether you actually get to take some time off from work or school, let’s evaluate how you can choose to reduce some screen time off your phone.

GIF Spring Break Rules!

Good For The Soul

Yes, it is extremely difficult to take a genuine break all social media but you must give it a try! It’s a good thing and who know’s what revelations you’ll find when you spend some time away from your phone. You don’t have to go on a luxurious or fun vacation during this break either. You can totally find relaxation in your own home too. But by all means, if you can find the time to plan a trip, go!

Whether it’s reading a book, spending time with friends and family, on the beach, uninterrupted quality time without social media is the best break you can give yourself. Literally here are 30 things to do other than look at your phone.

No need to worry about every small thing going on in the world online. Instead focus that energy on yourself and the things around you. Trust, it’s good for the soul.

FOMO From Social Media? Doubt It

Although social media is extremely addicting, the fear of missing out from social media during your break should be zero to none. The mindset that “post it or didn’t happen” is a guilty conscious and a social media trap. Not EVERYTHING you do has to be posted online to validate that you had fun.

While it’s great to share events, trips, and things on social media, it is so easy to fall into the toxicity of it all. Soon or later, you’ll realize that everything posted online makes it seem like people are living a perfect life. Some is true. A post from vacation or a wedding could genuinely portray some of the happiest moments of your life. However, one post does not represent all of your life. Like, the bad days you might have.

So, if you spend so much time on social media, worried about showcasing your “best” life to everyone, are you actually living your best life or just the life you want people to believe?

So Now What?

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The most important lesson to learn from this is that taking a break from social media does not mean the end of the world. After you take a break and you feel like you need it back then all power to you. Re-download your apps and incorporate social media back into your life. However, the chances are you’ll feel refreshed and understand that social media isn’t needed for your survival. Sometimes we get some caught up in sharing our lives everywhere, we forget to live in the moment. So maybe after reading thing blog, you’ll get to take some time off your phone this week and find beauty in spending time off-line.


If you’re someone working in social media and need more on how to protect your mental health and social media, click here.