Working In Social Media: Three Tips To Protect Your Mental Heath

people working on their phones

Looking out for your mental health is key in any profession. However, working in social media calls for more attention. Although social media is a fun and compelling digital platform, working in social media makes it almost impossible to “unplug” yourself from it. Whether you are an influencer, a social media manager, or just looking for some mental health tips, here are some helpful guidelines to protect your peace!

Without a doubt, working in social media seems to be 24/7. Social media never truly shuts off. So it forces you to be on alert and “on” for the job. Scrolling through feeds whether its for work or play, it’s difficult to spend time away from the phone.

According to Digital Marketing, an average user spends over 144 minutes per day on social media. In the United States, people spend an average of 2 hours and 3 minutes. However these statistics don’t account for the amount of time for someone working in social media spends per day. So take a look at your own screen time and see the time distribution.

With everything going on in our world today with a pandemic, an increase of online content, and general everyday worries, it is important to protect your mental health. Now more than ever, take these mental health tips and run with them girl!

Mental Help Tip 1: Set Intentional Time For Yourself

work life balance photo

Yes, okay this is hard. Setting intentional time for yourself means turning off the phone and doing something for yourself. Whether that’s going for run, hanging out with friends, or getting groceries, don’t try scroll through your phone while doing these things. Just do it! This is self-care and you need it to help build your mental health. Work brings a whole new set of challenges but giving yourself time to care for your wellbeing is the best mental health tip of balancing work and personal life.

Tip 2: Set Time Limits

If you’re using a iPhone, there is an awesome feature that can help you reduce the time you spend on each app. Not only can you track and monitor the time you spend on social platform, but you can but a cap to how much time you spend.

Head to your Settings–> Screen Time –> App Limits–> Add limit–> Choose a specific app –> Set a time limit

If you feel like you’ll forget to log off, your phone would will automatically do it for you and keep yourself accountable!

Tip 3: Don’t Be Scared to Ask For Help

People working as a team

Specifically social media manager have it the hardest. Not only are you the one posting but handling the photo/video editing, copywriting, and graphic design. You got a lot on your plate and it is okay to relay on other to help you get your job done. Normalize asking for help and splitting the load! The best tip towards being happy in your job and life is too make sure you’re not taking on more work than you can handle.