Samsung is raising the bar when it comes to TV innovation and design with the launch of their curved TV.
The launch of the curved TV is changing how we watch TV and is challenging the stereotypical flat screen design. What is so great about the curvature design is the curved ends create a panoramic effect that makes the display appear to be bigger than it really is. The curved TV gives the viewer an encompassing feeling and enriched viewing experience.
Match the design with the Ultra HD resolution, and the curved TV sets an unprecedented viewing experience. The Ultra HD is four times the resolution of full HD and therefore brings any image to life with incredible color, clarity and detail.

Along with the curved design, the Ultra HD enhances the color, clarity, and detail to create an incredible picture
If you afraid that the curved TV leaves some people with the short end of the viewing stick, think again. The curved TV has a balanced and costumed viewing distance that creates the most ideal screening experience no matter where you sit. Also, an Auto Depth Enhancer automatically adjusts contrast for a greater sense of depth. With the improved viewing angels and higher contrast from differing viewing position, the curved TV gives everyone watching the TV the sense that they have the best seat in the house.
The verdict is still out on if the curved TV is really that much better than a flat one, but nonetheless the design has got many people talking. Some stick by Samsung’s assertions about the benefits of the TV claiming that the concavity of the screen allows all viewers to have better viewing opportunities and a cut down on ambient light reflections making for a more optimal viewing experience. Many, however, argue that this is just a marketing gimmick for numerous reasons but primarily the pricing because there is a heavy premium for not much perceptible gain.
The discussion between the benefits and costs continue, but you can decide for yourself this month when Samsung begins sales on the U9000 series in the 55-inch and 65-inch sizes. The 78-inch will not be available for purchase until later in the year. The prices start at $3,999.99 and run all the way up to $7,999.99 depending on the size.
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