Ode to FaceTime: The Benefits of Face-to-Face Interaction in Quarantine

The magic of FaceTime has always been apparent for students who leave home for college and can see their families with the click of a button. It has been a lifeline for people in long-distance relationships. It has helped people who get relocated for a job stay connected with old friends. On a smaller scale, it has aided people who need quick outfit advice from a friend. However, the benefits of face-to-face interaction have become evident during this global pandemic. In light of this, here is an “Ode to FaceTime” for keeping us sane, connected, and happy during a very scary and isolating time.

Emotional Benefits of Face-to-Face Interaction

Emma Watson using FaceTime to connect with her friends, family, and fans during quarantine!

Studies show that staying away from loved ones is a peril to mental health and happiness. The benefits of face-to-face interaction are endless. For example, a 2018 study shows that Facetime and video chatting reduces the risk of depression in people older than 60. Read more heartwarming stories about how FaceTime can unite us in times of crisis in an article from The Atlantic here.

Others say that FaceTime reminds them that there is life outside of their quarantine location. While walking and getting outside helps with this, talking to others about how they are spending their days offers some solace. Recognize that everyone is going through this together even when we feel alone. FaceTime, thank you for giving us this fresh perspective!

Not to mention, simply knowing that someone is thinking of you is important for mental health. It goes a long way knowing that someone is willing to spend even more time on their computer or phones to FaceTime and check in on you.

Creative Benefits of Face-to-Face Interaction

FaceTime has also given new opportunities for creativity. Celebrities are using FaceTime to continue producing art and works that bring so much joy to fans. For example, Demi Lovato spearheaded the rise of a “virtual photoshoot” through FaceTime. She explains that this helped her happiness levels as well, as she felt less pressure to be perfect. Read more about this trend and other ways celebrities use FaceTime to create content here. The benefits of face-to-face interaction include new ideas, work, and collaborations for many celebrities. In turn, we get to enjoy what is being produced during this time!

FaceTime, we owe this all to you. Thank you for giving us the benefits of face-to face interaction when it is unsafe to actually do so.