Boost Brand Engagement: How to Use TikTok Like a Pro

Image of woman using TikTok to boost brand engagement.

Boost Brand Engagement Through TikTok

It’s no secret that the dynamic social media platform TikTok has taken the digital world by storm. With its immense popularity and unique video format, many companies use the app to connect with their audiences and boost brand engagement. Engaging with your audience on social media is necessary today, so here are tips and tricks you can use to strengthen engagement with your brand on TikTok.

Embrace Trend-Driven Content

Something that sets TikTok apart from its competitors is that its users engage in viral trends that receive a lot of attention. The most successful brands implement these popular trends into their videos and bring in a lot of attention. Captivate your audience and jump on popular challenges or create content that uses trending hashtags. Staying up to date with trends allows your brand to integrate itself into the evergrowing TikTok community.

Create Authentic Content

One way you as a brand can set yourself apart is to create authentic content. TikTok users gravitate toward content that feels genuine and relatable. Videos such as employee spotlights or user-generated content are effective ways to boost brand engagement and humanize your brand. Doing so will allow you to build a deeper connection with your audience and bring more attention to your brand.

Collaborate With Influencers

TikTok is home to a multitude of powerful influencers such as Alex Earle and Zach King who have enormous followings. Collaborations with these influencers will bring more visibility to your brand, increasing engagement. Find an influencer whose audience aligns with your target demographic and create sponsored content with them. This will increase your brand credibility and create brand recognition.

Adjust Video Length and Frequency

TikTok popularity stems from its short-form video content, so it is important to keep your videos concise while also being engaging. Play around with different video lengths to see what your audience reacts to the best. Also, maintain a consistent posting schedule so that your audience gets used to the frequency at which you post. Optimizing video length and frequency will boost brand engagement and relevance.