How Podcasting Can Help Your Business + Tips for Starting a Podcast

how podcasting can help your business

Back in the day, people would tune in to their favorite radio station to hear news, music, and gossip. Today, podcasts are people’s go-to for learning about new topics and staying informed. Think of podcasts like books. You can listen to podcasts about crime, comedy, professionalism, and thousands of niches. People are constantly on the go. Podcasts are favored because you can listen anytime, anywhere. Many people are choosing podcasts over videos and books. But what does this mean for your business? Below are a few ways to use podcasts to help your business.

How Podcasting Can Help Your Business: Improve Internal Communication

Use weekly podcasts as an internal communication tool. Many larger companies send out weekly videos that share important information for the week ahead. The video format requires employees to take 10 to 20 minutes out of their workday to watch the video. This causes some employees to just skip the video entirely. A podcast format allows employees to listen to the podcast during their commute and allows them to multitask. This saves employees time. Not to mention, it increases the percentage of employees who are up to date on important information. Record this podcast in one take and send it out via an email audio file to the team.

Grow Credibility Among Customers

Intrigue your audience and gain credibility by keeping them up to date on your industry. If you are in the fashion industry, create a weekly or monthly podcast that talks about trends. If your company is in the medical industry, educate listeners on new research findings. Show your audience that your knowledge goes beyond one product or service. This will increase brand loyalty. Listeners can also share the podcast with other like-minded individuals who can become new customers of your company.

Tips for Starting a Podcast

Still skeptical as to how podcasting can help your business? Give it a try and see for yourself how podcasting can help you. There are multiple methods for recording, editing, and publishing podcasts, but this is one successful method:

  1. Get the necessary supplies including GarageBand and a good microphone.
  2. Open a new audio file in GarageBand and set up your microphone.
  3. Within the GarageBand app, hit record and start reading your script.
  4. When you are done, end the recording and save your new audio file.
  5. You can edit your audio file to include an introduction song or jingle and any special effects.
  6. Save your finished audio file and upload it to your desired communication platform. This can be an email, a blog post, or over Slack or GroupMe.