Basic Rules for Looking Professional on Social Media

Social media is prevalent in everything we do – including in our careers. Whether you’re applying for a job or just want to keep the one you have, maintaining a professional presence on social media is crucial. These simple rules will help make sure you’re looking professional on social media.

Be aware of looking professional on social media

Looking professional on social media is important, especially if you're searching for a job.

The first and most important thing to remember is to simply be aware. This not only includes who you follow and who follows you but also what you post. The last thing you want is for an unfortunate social media mishap to affect your career. Remember that potential employers and bosses also use social media, and anything you post can be made public.

Don’t post anything you wouldn’t show your grandmother

This rule might sound silly, but it speaks for itself. If you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see what you’re posting, it most likely won’t help you in looking professional on social media, either.

This rule applies to all kinds of posts: partying, politics and more. So, that means you should typically steer clear of anything overly political, inappropriate or that could be taken the wrong way. After all, you’re an extension of your employer and your social media should reflect that, too.

Be mindful if you post about work

Looking professional on social media is always important, especially if you're searching for jobs.

While this may go without saying, it is important to keep in mind. Use your best judgment if you’re posting about work or work events. Avoid saying things or using photos that will reflect poorly on your organization.

Don’t forget: social media isn’t a bad thing

Lastly, remember that social media isn’t bad. It can be a great creative outlet to let your personality shine through and let employers know more about you outside of work. But, looking professional on social media is important to protect both yourself and your employer.