Insights to Boost Your Brand’s Facebook

One can say the ever-evolving worldwide social networking site, Facebook is truly taking over how our world communicates and connects to one each other and brands. With over 2.32 billion active monthly users, the site increases by 14 percent in accounts per year. Knowing this, it’s hard as communication professionals to ignore the benefits of Facebook’s digital marketing aspects. The insights below will help you boost the page’s awareness, while also driving more traffic to either your product or service.

The Baby Steps Count

First, if you haven’t already created your brand’s business Facebook page, it’s time to optimize your brand’s performance by utilizing the fast growing channel. This will drive engagement and awareness with your target audiences. Secondly, it’s important to stay updated with reports that contain updated statictics. Knowing these insights help us as communicators improve our navigation of the site. In addition, we can make better decisions to optimize our brand’s performance on how we connect with publics.

What You Must Know to Optimize Most Success

Statistic reports are released frequently, so in order to grasp all aspects of the constantly changing site, it’s important to be on task by keeping up with them. On January 30, 2019, Facebook reported to Wall Street newly released statistics. Listening to these insights will automatically contribute to navigating the site, as well as your brand’s Facebook page.

On average, there are over 1.52 billion mobile users who logged on daily, demonstrating a 23 percent increase since December 2016. This produced a 93 percent boost of total advertising revenue.

Like and share buttons are viewed across on average 10 million websites every day. This drives even more users to the site.

The most common age demographic of users are 25 to 34. This means, this is your key target audience to engage with using the Facebook channel.

76% of all users are females, while 66% are male. To access more information on Men vs. Women go to

Every second that passes, there are five new profiles created. It’s important to know how your audiences may grow exponentially.

The highest traffic of the site occurs between 1 to 3 p.m. However, 50% of 18 to 24 year olds log on right when they wake up. In order to drive the most traffic to your brand’s page, post during these peak hours by strategically scheduling ahead to reach more audiences attention.

Engagement on Thursdays and Fridays is 18% higher. Knowing this will assist your planning ahead to help determine when to schedule your posts as a way to boost engagement and of course, optimize your marketing presence.

83 million scam profiles exist. Know that many of your own audiences maybe fake profiles for reasons associated with testing and research. Ignore them by remaining strategic and consistent.

Visits last only 20 minutes. Because of this is a short time period, make sure your content is unique and adequately piques the attention of your audiences.

The Takeaway

We can make better, well informed decisions by understanding the fundamentals of these updated report statistics that will boost your brand’s Facebook page performance and enhance engagement. To keep up with these frequent changes, go to