Social Media Do’s and Don’ts During a Job Search

Creating an online presence is essential when entering a job search. It is essential that an employer be able to find you on social media. This allows the recruiter to find any mutual connections, verify past experiences, and gain more insight on who you are. But, it is crucial to remain smart about what is put on social media channels. Remember the aspects that will aid in your job search, but also remember to omit those that will hurt you.

1: Do Create an Online Presence

Create a profile on channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. This allows employers to gain more insight on your personality that they would not otherwise see from a resume. LinkedIn creates professional connections and even notifies you when there is an opening at a company you follow. It is important, however, to always stay active on updating professional experience as relevant. All relevant personal and professional information should be most recent and updated when you begin your job search.

2: Do Be Consistent

Be sure to update all social media profiles as it’s relevant. By staying on top of updating your profile, it ensures that a possible employer is seeing the most recent job experience, location, etc. But, also being consistent in posting relevant material on social media shows a possible employer that you are up to date on trends and current events. It also can give them current insight on your life that they would otherwise not see on a resume.

3: Do Be Careful What You Post

Job recruiters have ways to see what you post, even with a privacy setting. So don’t post your underage party pictures or tweet about controversial subjects. But, reposting an insightful article about the industry you wish to enter or retweeting an image that speaks to you shows a job recruiter that you care. It shows your knowledge on the industry and that you are interested in learning more. It reflects your interest in the industry which, in turn, shows your interest in the position.

Phone opened to folder showing different social media applications

4: Don’t Connect with Everyone

Be insightful with who you connect with on social media. You must value quality over quantity and think about what this person can do for you professionally. Your connections are a reflection of yourself. Connecting with an individual who has the potential of spamming your profile or has a bad reputation in your city can reflect poorly on you. Be smart with who you connect with and look at the credibility in their profile before clicking accept.

5: Don’t Lie

Lying about past experience, no matter how small, ruins any credibility you had. Some industries are very small, especially in certain cities. So, by lying on your social media about what seems to be one miniscule piece of information, it can spread quickly to companies by word of mouth. Remain honest in how you were let go from a position or why you left a position. Stay honest about the time you spent at a company and the position you held. Keep your credibility and show a company that you are trustworthy.

6: Don’t be on Social Media at Work 

Stay off Facebook, Instagram, or any social media channels while on your boss’s dime. Unless it is relevant to the task you are given, it is unprofessional. Companies can track what you do while utilizing their Wi-Fi, so unless it is inherent that you use it to complete the task you are given, stay off it.