Passwords – A Thing of the Past with Biometric Alternatives

Passwords will hopefully phase out as biometric alternatives become more prevalent in the years to come. 

We’ve all been there. We type in our username and then spend the next 10 minutes guessing the password by typing in every password we’ve ever used. Maybe we get in on our fourth try, but more than likely we end up hitting the “Forgot Password” and wait for an email.  It’s frustrating, it’s time consuming, and biometric alternatives may solve it all.

Biometrics refers to measuring and analyzing biological data for authentication purposes. It measures biological characteristics such as DNA, fingerprints, voice patterns, even heart rate in return for security verification. Since we all unique physical traits, biometric alternatives are in the process of replacing those impossible to remember passwords.

When we think of biometric alternatives we often think of our fingerprint because so far that has been the most popular use of our unique DNA. However, there are many other alternatives that are being studied that will hopefully, in the years to come, wipe out the password.

Our heart beat activity is very unique to us and is being used as one of the biometric alternatives. Technology that measures heart signals have been around for a while, but in recent times these devices have shrunk to smaller sizes that make them less invasive. The Nymi wristband, for example, detects your heartbeat to confirm your identity and replaces the need for a password. A person’s heartbeat is pretty hard to replicate, if not impossible, and that’s why companies are seeking out this alternative.

Allows users to replace the need for a password with their unique heartbeat

Allows users to replace the need for a password with their unique heartbeat

Other companies are looking into ear shape as a means of security. The Ergo Android app already has the option to use this biometric alternative. By pressing your ear against the screen, the application remembers and stores the points where the ear touched, which is unique information. Later, when your ear is pressed up again, the phone can match up all the points and confirm  your identity. People are looking more into this because it is much cheaper than fingerprint sensors. However, some people argue that ears can change a little over time and therefore would need to be updates.

Here is a description and step-by-step process behind the biometric alternative

Here is a description and step-by-step process behind the biometric alternative

Biometric alternatives still have a long way to go before replacing the password. For one, making them work with companies current systems will take awhile. Also people have serious concerns in regards to their privacy because a database would exist with all this very personal information. However, eliminating those pestering passwords and no longer having to remember 16 different combinations of upper case letters, symbols, and numbers would definitely have its pay off.