iPhone X copying Android Phones and Samsung’s Reaction

iPhone X copying Android phonesRecently, Apple has been under slight scrutiny for their newest iPhone, the iPhone X. The scrutiny is directly related to the iPhone X copying Android phones in multiple of their features. While many people continue to use Apple products, Samsung will not go down without a fight.

Recently Samsung released a commercial trying to mock Apple’s “Copycat Tendencies”

Following the release of the new Apple iPhone X, Samsung immediately released their new product the Galaxy Note 8 flagship. Along with this release, they launched a commercial illustrating the iPhone x copying Android phones and the two companies phone progression over time. The comical commercial puts Samsung products at the top and shows a loyal iPhone user gladly switch over to a Samsung at the end. While the commercial might seem petty, it does have its merit.

The iPhone X copying Android phones and their features is no surprise to consumers.

While a lot of the new additions to the iPhone X are brand new features for Apple products, a lot of these features are old for Android products. Here is a list of some of the features where the iPhone has played “catch-up”

  • No home button: Some androids switched from a 3 button system instead of a central home button to complete onscreen controls. It is no surprise to see that Apple would also switch to this feature.
  • An edge-to-edge screen: taking away the home button allows for iPhones to have an edge-to-edge display much like its former Android competitors
  • Wireless Charging– this is another major example of the iPhone x copying Android phones. All new Apple phones will have this feature.
  • Facial Recognition– this feature is one of the biggest new features that the iPhone X has to offer, however, Microsoft and Samsung beat Apple to it.


While these are all just a few examples of the iPhone X copying the Android phones and their popular features there are more. However, there are new innovations that Apple has made into the technology industry that should not be forgotten. It is not uncommon for similarities like this to happen between companies, especially two major worldwide companies like Apple and Android.


After figuring out all of the similarities between the two phones, what brand would you choose?