Sales Becoming Social

Social media has become a driving force in the sales and marketing of a brand, and even the least tech-saavy professionals are getting on board. 
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Since online shopping has become a more important means of purchasing items than in store shopping social media has become an important factor in reaching consumers. Pinterest and Facebook are most successful in driving sales. Pinterest sales are through the roof because users are able to pin with the intent of potentially purchasing. Facebook sales are driven through their using the information they have access to for targeting.
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Measuring numbers of “likes” and “retweets” doesn’t show the reason for companies to invest in social, but measuring social media as pay-per-click advertising makes it easier to understand the importance of social media investment.
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Social media keeps the business top of mind by allowing spontaneity. Off the cuff posts catch attention and keeps consumer’s attention on the brand and get people talking. Staying up to date and consistently engaged allows social media to drive sales.