TikTok: The New Marketing Tool of 2021

Image Source: https://www.lessingflynn.com/blog/best-tiktok-marketing-ideas/

The Power of TikTok

TikTok has become a household name in 2020 and 2021. According to Business of Apps, TikTok has 689 million users worldwide. Those users vary in children, teenagers, adults, businesses, and brands. With a $50 billion value, TikTok has become one of the most powerful apps downloaded within the last two years. As a result of TikTok’s massive online presence, the app can be seen as an effective marketing tool for companies.

TikTok in Business

Image Source: https://recurpost.com/blog/is-tiktok-marketing-the-next-big-thing-for-social-media/

It is clear from the above statistics that TikTok reaches a large audience. As a result, many businesses and brands have taken to TikTok to promote their products or services. There are many different ways for companies to use TikTok as a marketing and promotional tool. According to Social Media Today creating brand channels and utilizing influencer paid promotion on TikTok are two primary marketing tools used today.

Brand Channels on TikTok

TikTok’s versatility attracts users of all different ages from around the world. Creating TikTok channels for brands is a great way to reach a larger audience. Whether the company is a makeup brand or a car dealership, the TikTok possibilities are endless.

Another great attribute about TikTok is that the posts are only 60 seconds long. Therefore making TikTok a great marketing tool to promote quick and interesting videos to viewers.

TikTok Influencer Marketing

Image Source: https://edm.com/features/tiktok-influencer-marketing

Influencer marketing is another great tool for companies to use. Lately, influencers have used TikTok as a marketing tool when doing paid promotions for brands. TikTok allows influencers to post creative and authentic videos promoting a specific product or service. As a result of the large followings that influencers have, TikTok marketing is an effective tool for brands to reach a larger demographic.

The Future of TikTok Marketing

In conclusion, TikTok is a great marketing tool to use for any brand or service. The app is unique and allows its users to be creative and fun with their posts. Their versatility in videos is a great way for companies and brands to reach a larger audience to promote their products.