We have all been warned multiple times to be careful what you post online and what not to, but this high school student did not get the message. He posted about his teacher on Twitter bashing him about changing the date of a test. The best part of this situation is that the teacher saw the post and actually put up the tweet on the projection screen, and another student took a picture of it and now it has gone viral.
You should be careful what you post because you don’t know who might see it. If you post something bad about someone or something, there is always the chance that someone will see it. You need to remember that everything you post is public, so don’t post anything that you are not proud of.
The basic rule that you should follow is that you would be embarrassed if your parents saw what you posted, then you shouldn’t post it. The things that you post could impact you when you are trying to get a job in the future, or even in your job now if you put something inappropriate online. JustĀ be careful of what you write.
To read more about what happened in the situations visitĀ http://yhoo.it/WBiAzQ
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