The Art of PR Pitching

Among many responsibilities, public relations professionals are tasked with ensuring that a brand receives proper coverage in the media. In order to succeed with this task, public relations professionals must know how to properly pitch a story, product launch, or event to media professionals. Journalists, editors, and influencers are flooded with pitches from public relations professionals every day. It is the public relations professional’s responsibility to make sure that a brand’s pitch stands out to the media, and ultimately that the brand catches their attention, in order for the media to want to cover the story at hand.

Pitching to the Media
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The Digital Impact on Crisis Communications

In our modern digital landscape, information spreads extremely fast and public opinion is able to be influenced in any instant. Various social media platforms enable this lightning-fast communication process and, further, act as a platform where crises are bound to develop. Furthermore, as public relations practitioners, effective and authentic crisis management is more crucial than ever for businesses and organizations, especially within the digital space. Within public relations, where a strong reputation is highly valued, navigating crises demands a thoughtful and proactive approach, with attention to detail regarding crises across the digital world.

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The Social Media Marketplace: Social Media as a Shopping Platform and its Impact on Public Relations

As technology has advanced, so has social media and its presence in the retail market. Not only do social media platforms act as an advertising and public relations avenue for businesses, with sponsored posts and influencer partnerships, but it also acts as a purchasing platform. Today, businesses can not only market their products and services on social media platforms, but they can also sell their products and services, all within their respective platform. This capability has changed the game for many retail organizations, and is something that public relations practitioners should be well aware of.

Social Media Shopping
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The Art and Strategy of Influencer Public Relations

Over the years, social media has emerged as a powerhouse in public relations. Businesses utilize various platforms as an avenue to communicate brand messages to their target consumer. The dominate presence of social media in the public relations sphere has prompted the emergence of influencer marketing/public relations. Social media personalities that promote their favorite brands through “PR hauls” of gifted product have completely changed the game of how a business markets their product or service.

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Instagram Advertising: A Powerhouse in Digital Advertising

Social media platforms have become instrumental in assisting businesses who seek to establish themselves among a diverse global audience. Out of all the social media platforms, Instagram acts as a powerhouse avenue for digital advertising. Whether it be through partnering with influencers, or pushing sponsored advertisement posts, businesses have found great success in utilizing Instagram to capture the attention of users worldwide.

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