Setting up a Business Instagram: A How-To Guide

Instagram is a powerful marketing tool if you use the right practices. Here’s how you create a Business Instagram Account.  

Although Instagram is 11 years old, it has made a name for itself. Being one of the top social media platforms in the world isn’t easy but with all of its unique features, it’s no surprise more than one billion people use Instagram every month. Set your business apart using Instagram’s Business profile.

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The Metaverse: A New Reality

With the new and upcoming Metaverse: social media, commerce, networking, and reality will change to provide a more connected world.

Woman wearing futuristic Metaverse glasses

Imagine a world where you can go to a wedding, meeting, concert, sightseeing, shopping and more without leaving the comfort of your home. While this may seem farfetched, this concept has taken the form as the Metaverse and has the potential to grow into a new reality. The Metaverse is a platform that focuses on social connection through a network of 3D virtual worlds. With the help of virtual and augmented reality headsets, the Metaverse mimics the mental and physical aspects of being anywhere in the world. And you can experience it from the comfort of your couch. 

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