Social Media Demographics: What to Know

Understanding social media demographics is key to knowing which networks and campaigns deserve your attention. Utilizing data and resources can be a key difference between maintaining a few thousand followers and growing into the millions.

Below is our list of key social media statistics across all platforms to keep in mind in 2023. Click here to see how you can track your social media with our top social media monitoring tool.

General social media statistics

  • 72% of people in the US use social media 
  • People spend 147 minutes per day on social media
  • 54% of social media users are male versus 46% who are female
  • However, 78% of women in the US say they use social media versus 66% of men
  • Worldwide, the average internet user spends nearly two hours on social media each day.

TikTok demographics

TikTok is a crucial platform for social media marketing because it offers a unique creative outlet to its users and allows them to reach a large and diverse audience. As the app now has over 1 billion active users, TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It is especially popular among younger generations, making it an ideal platform for businesses to target their marketing efforts.

  • Number of active users: 1 billion
  • Time spent per day: 89 minutes
  • More than 2 in 5 TikTok users are between the ages of 18 and 24 (42%); 31% of users are 25-34; 13% are 35-44; 7% are 45-54; and 4% are over 55.
TikTok Demographics Graph

Instagram demographics

Instagram allows businesses to advertise their products and services in a visually appealing way. This content allows companies to build brand awareness and promote products, services, and events to an engaging and entertaining way. Additionally, businesses can use Instagram to create targeted ads that are tailored to their target audience.

  • Number of active users: 2 billion
  • Time spent per day: 29 minutes
  • 51% of global Instagram users are male and 49% are female. 
  • 49% of college graduates use Instagram; 44% of those with some college education use it; 30% with a high school education or less use it.

Instagram Demographics Graph

The Power of Pinterest

Starting in 2010, Pinterest is a social media platform that dedicates itself to being a search engine for inspiration and ideas. The platform is limitless, as you can find posts and mood boards for fashion, music, art, fan fiction, sports, and so on. The power of Pinterest from a professional standpoint is simple: pins.


On Pinterest, each pin holds a different feature and usage. These pins are used strategically to optimize the effect you want to have on the viewers of your page. Learn more about how to become famous on Pinterest here.

Regular Pins

The regular pin prompts the user to link to any page (image, video, blog) that they are viewing. This is the most common and primary function in a user-creator perspective.

Pinterest introduces Idea Pins globally and launches new creator discovery  features | Pinterest Newsroom
How Pins Get Featured

Collection Pins

The collection pin allows you to link specific product pages to a post. This will take the user directly to the page linked inside the post. This feature will also open up the viewer’s perspective of the page and allow them to visit more than what they specifically intended to discover. This is a MUST-USE feature for companies trying to engage with the viewer and increase the traction their page is receiving.

Pinterest Ads: A Step-By-Step Guide For Your Business I Pinterest
More on Pinterest Collection Pins

Promoted Pins

The promoted pin is essentially a glorified regular pin. However, these pins can be verified by Pinterest and show the viewer that this product, image, etc., is a promotion. This is essential for a company’s credibility and confidence from the viewer. You are showing your viewer that your company is legit and acknowledged by the platform and the users of Pinterest.

Why is this important?

Pins drive users to a page in the most effective way for browsing. Now, If a user is searching for styles for their summer lookbook, a company should not have them save the post of the dress they are selling but give a direct outlet for them to design an outfit around this dress using other products in their collection. Additionally, these products should be linked clearly and time-efficiently so that when they return to their lookbook, they can shop the creator’s website instantly. Enticing users to click on one’s pins may seem like the most obvious usage of Pinterest. However, effectively using the resources that Pinterest provides will skyrocket users’ online interactions with your business or your site.

How to FAIL at Social Media Marketing: What Not to Do

Social media marketing is the fastest-growing platform for promoting one’s brand, product, and even themselves.

Digital marketing allows people to promote their businesses in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. However, mastering the digital marketing world can be tricky and ineffective if executed poorly.

Let’s dive into the nitty gritty of what NOT to do when marketing your brand on digital media and some tips on avoiding making these mistakes.

Cockiness is NOT key. 

Think of that one girl in the back row of your high-school history class. The one who was constantly talking, flipping her hair, snapping her gum, and flirting with Johnny. She might have been the center of attention for that forty-five-minute class, but people couldn’t wait to get away from her. Avoid being this girl. Promote the best parts of who and what you are because something great may be underneath that obnoxious surface. Do not flood your page with overwhelming and unwanted attention that will drive followers away.

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Blocking out the haters.

Block GIFs | Tenor
Check out this Forbes article on how to engage with your social media followers

You might be tempted to block the negative comments that come your way. However, not every comment needs to be “SLAY QUEEN.” The point of social media is to be interactive with your audience. It is not just the creator that has the right to voice their opinions. Learning when and how to respond to negative comments is vital in digital marketing. Responding to the hater might protect your reputation and resolve the issue rather than putting a bandaid over a bullet hole with that pesky block button.

Double, triple, quadruple check. 

There is nothing more unprofessional than posting about your new bikini line with the tag #summerwhere. A surefire way to embarrass yourself and lose the creditability of your fanbase is forgetting to SPELLCHECK. Why would I buy a bathing suit from somebody that failed to use basic grammar? This mistake leads me to question the brand’s legitimacy and write it off as a scam before I admire the adorable floral one-piece in the picture.


The last but certainly not least rule is measuring your metrics. This does not mean looking at which post has the most likes, comments, and views. Going into cruise control the second a post hits ten-thousand views will not keep your stats up. You need to download social media monitoring tools that show you day-by-day how your viewers engage AND disengage with your posts. Cut the time of thinking about what to post in half by using the data that tells you exactly what the people want to see! Use applications like Keyhole, rewardStyle, and Buzzlogix to track how people interact with your business in real-time.

Social media may be daunting but manageable if carefully and attentively used. Learn how each platform works and what content works best on which site. You will quickly realize where you need to step it up and where you need to simmer down. Just keep calm and post!