Pinterest: The Positive Social Media Platform 

In a sea of many popular social media platforms, Pinterest is differentiating itself. Pinterest is looking to position itself as a positive social media platform. Their goal is to create a platform that leaves their users with beneficial experiences. 

Pinterest’s Additive Algorithm

Pinterest has made many intentional choices over the last decade to create a more positive platform. One way of doing so is through their conscious algorithm that suggests content based on signals from their users. The platform hopes that their platform’s AI is additive, not addictive will help curb the social media crisis. Recent data has shown that social media users scroll on average one mile every day. 

Pinterest feed.

Pinterest Prioritizing Emotional Well-Being of Users

The platform is also focused on protecting the emotional well-being of its users, specifically teenagers. Pinterest utilizes a strict self-harm policy to remove content that could put teens’ mental health at risk. In addition, the platform wants to “design in the good” and make Pinterest more representative. An example of their efforts can be seen in their hair pattern search and skin tone ranges. Pinterest believes that “no one should have to work harder to find content that’s relevant to them.” 

Pinterest feature where users can explore posts by skin range.

UC Berkley Study on the Positive Impacts of Pinterest

These actions Pinterest has taken are proving to have actual impacts on its users. In a new study performed by UC Berkeley, researchers examined the effect of Pinterest on college students’ stress levels. The data showed that as little as 10 minutes on Pinterest daily helped lower their stress levels. In addition to lowering stress levels, it helped provide a buffer against burnout. This study helps show that Pinterest’s strategic tactics to create a positive platform are working. 

With many social media platforms dedicating resources to compete with TikTok’s addictive algorithm, Pinterest is a bright spot. Rather than adapt its platform like Instagram is with Reels, Pinterest is forging a new path as a positive social media platform. As of July 2022, Pinterest has 433 million monthly active users, and it is expected to continue growing.