How to Build Standout Content- Keeping a Consistent Foundation

What Makes Buzz Worthy Content and Drives High Engagement?

Here are some tips and tricks to create strong, popular content and drive traffic with every published piece. Consistency is key to creating successful content. Follow these steps to ensure engagement and drive major traffic with each post.

Tap Into Longer Content

Don’t be afraid to share content with thousands of words. One great article stands out in the sea of memes and short, hollow pieces. Take the time to write an impactful piece rather than multiple shallow posts.

Learn from the competition by studying what works for your target audience. Learn what they respond to, what they share, what they care about, what they enjoy viewing, and what content will make them buzz. Use this research to create innovative posts on the channels best suited to meet the audience’s needs. Push pieces that resonate and leave a meaningful impact. Create buzz and conversation by using stories that connect readers to your brand.

Tell a Story Readers Want to Hear

How can you generate buzz worthy content that reflects your brand’s mission, vision, and values to readers? Use storytelling to relate to their lives and challenges, as a result, you will connect on a more personal level with the audience. For instance, research your followers’ values and life views before taking a stance on social issues as a brand to ensure positive engagement. Check out more information on great story telling.

Reader Connection is Key

Digital marketing offers many opportunities for human connection. For example, asking questions is a great way to engage your audience. Urge them to answer the questions in the comments and share the question with their friends and followers. Furthermore, inviting readers to comment gives them the chance to share their viewpoints and opinions. As a result, your audience will connect to not only your brand, but also other readers.

Do not fear long content. Instead provide readers with thoughtful knowledge and insight to stand out. Research is fundamental in providing readers with relevant information and making connections. Giving followers ways to interact with your brand and with each other humanizes the world of digital communication. So, keep these tricks in mind to create a strong foundation for buzz worthy content.

More Tips and Tricks

Ellie Wells

CCPA 4335

Blog 5

4 Email Subject Line Styles To Increase Your Open Rate

If the average person receives 90 emails per day, how can you make yours stand out? The answer lies in your subject line. The email subject line is your first and most important impression on readers. In many cases, your subject line is just as significant as the information in the email. Crafting email subject lines have become an art. They must be simple yet complex but also informative yet compelling enough to make the reader want to open the email and learn more. Check out these different styles you can incorporate into your next email subject lines in order to improve your open, read and click rate.

1. Timeliness

Many times when people subscribe to an email list, they are looking to stay in the loop. Email subject lines can do just that by including important details that will lead to the reader clicking to learn more. This technique can be executed by using terms such as “today”, “tomorrow”, “tonight”, etc in the headline.

2. Short and Sweet

Remember, subject lines are meant to grab the reader’s attention. They are not meant to display every single detail. Simple enough.

3. Emojis

Whether you know it or not, emojis are here to stay. In fact, emoji usage in campaigns has increased by 609%. These fun little characters differ from traditional text and add an unexpected special touch to the reader’s inbox. They can be used to emphasize an idea, convey an emotion, or even tell a story. Be careful to not overuse emojis or else they can backfire and deter readers from opening the email.

A screenshot of an email that includes an emoji. The subject line states "gee, thanks, just bought it" and includes an emoji person tipping their hand
A screenshot of a recent email that includes an emoji in the subject to emphasize the campaign message.

4. Offers

Offering something free, discounted or exclusive? Let your audience know in the subject line. Everyone loves a good deal. This will give your audience an extra reason to read what you have to say.

Next time you are writing an email blast, incorporate these styles into your subject line to improve engagement with your readers.