OpenAI is the Future

Logo of OpenAI, the future of AI.

OpenAI is the company behind many artificial intelligence (AI) systems, such as ChatGPT, DALL-E2, and Bing’s new AI-powered search engine. OpenAI’s products are bleeding into all aspects of life, from writing emails and cover letters to customer service. OpenAI’s ultimate goal is to make AI beneficial to all of humanity and protect against its abuse, as outlined in their charter.

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DALL-E: The Disruption the Art World needs

How DALL-E’s disruption is both a blessing and curse for creativity

DALL-E – the disruptor of worlds or at least the art world. This online service is one of the many AI artwork generator platforms disrupting creative-based industries right now and causing many debates on how this technology benefits and hurts businesses centered around art. 

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