Adobe: The Intersection of Art and Software

Draw clients in through digital and traditional efforts on Adobe software

Adobe Software

As a promoter, it is important to ask yourself, “Which marketing strategy will provide you the perfect reach and also drive engagement with your target audience?” This blog will expand on why both traditional marketing and digital marketing techniques are used in many corporations when promoting your brand and how Adobe software can help you to be successful.

Traditional vs Digital Marketing: 

Traditional marketing includes handouts, the newspaper, banners, business promotions on the radio or Television, print advertisements, and magazines to publicize news or products. However, as technology continues to advance, the digital marketing world continues to propel. Digital marketing includes websites, social media, and YouTube videos to drive engagement and promote products. 

Digital marketing in ways is somewhat like traditional marketing, meaning they are both used for similar objectives. Ultimately, these techniques are used to draw in clients and to construct brand awareness. 

Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign:

InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator

A great example is Adobe software. When mastered, tools used on either Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign can help spark new levels of creativity. Adobe software is designed for anyone to create anything from posters to banners and websites. 

  • Photoshop: this graphic design software allows you to create and enhance photographs, illustrations, and 3D artwork. You can also use these tools to design websites and mobile apps, edit videos and create real-life paintings. 
  • Illustrator: this vector graphic software allows you to create logos, icons, typography, drawings, and illustrations for print or web. Many designers and artists use this tool to create anything from web icons to product packaging and billboards. You can easily turn simple shapes and colors into custom logos, icons, and graphics. This software is a vector based software, meaning it can scale down for mobile screens and scale up to billboards. 
  • InDesign: this design software and layout app allows you to create, preflight, and publish documents for print and digital media. It has anything from making posters, books, digital magazines, and interactive PDFs. Whether you are working in print of digital media, InDesign is a good tool to help you create unique layouts. With professional layout and typesetting tools, you can build multicolumn pages that display rich graphics, images, and tables. To add, you can prep your documents for printing in just a few, simple steps. InDesign is always staying up-to-date with new features.
Adobe Photoshop

Adobe software continues to accelerate every day and technology is changing the way people think. Today, Adobe is igniting creativity in young individuals through the Adobe Creativity Scholarships which recognizes the next generation of creatives and helps them to propel in careers. Click here to learn more.

Facebook Helping You Control the Posts You See:

Starting today, you will have more control over your experience on FaceBook.

Facebook Logo

Facebook recently launched “Why am I seeing this post?” to help viewers have a better understanding and more control on what they scroll through from friends and groups in their personalized News Feed. This improved technology will structure how ranking works directly on the app. In addition, they also improve the “Why am I seeing this ad?” by using a tool that was launched in 2014. All of these improvements over the past several years has helped them to expand the information that is shared with people and the ads that they see.

From Now On, You Are In Control:

Control your Facebook

You will be able to tap on posts and ads, view the context on why you are seeing these ads in News Feed, and take control to further personalize what you want to see. For example, if a post is from a friend of yours that you made, or a Group you joined or a Page you followed this new feature will explain why you are seeing this specific post.

What is the Purpose of This?:

The goal of News Feed is to showcase posts that are considered most relevant to the person viewing the post. Next time you are on Facebook, try searching for “Why am I seeing this post?” which can be found in the drop down menu in the right corner of the post.

To add, going directly to See First, Unfollow, News Feed Preferences and Privacy Shortcuts will help you personalize and control your News Feed.

Businesses can also engage with their customers by uploading information they might already have like emails and phone numbers. Facebook will then try to pair the ad to the most relevant audience without showing any identifiable information to the business.

Facebook News Feed

Facebook is Staying Committed:

Both of these improved updates are part of Facebook’s ongoing commitment to giving people more control and information across all personalized News Feed. They will continue to listen to feedback and use the feedback to evolve these updated features even further over time.

For more information on Facebook news and updates, please visit the Help Center:

5 Tips & Tricks for Successful Social Media Marketing

How to create a successful social media strategy and how it can help your clients grow their businesses.

Successful Social Media Marketing

Electronic communication dates back to the telegraph that used Morse code to send messages long distance over wires. After that, the electronics industry added the wired telephone, the wireless radio and television. Since then, the industry has exploded. People are now living in the Information Age where people now share information with each other anywhere, anytime and in many ways, via – email, mobile phones, tablets, text and instant messaging, social networks, video chat, websites and more. 

In particular, SOCIAL MEDIA has revolutionized communication in the modern world. It is important for people to understand the power of social media and how it can help your clients grow their businesses. Here are top tips and tricks to doing social media marketing for your clients. 

  1. Create a Social Media Strategy: Set goals for your client. Don’t just deal with metrics like “likes” and “retweets”. Also focus on generated leads, conversion rates and referrals to your website. Use the SMART principle when defining goals: goals should be specific, measurable, appealing, realistic and timed. Conduct a social media audit by identifying who your client is already connected to on social media, which networks your client uses, and how your client’s social media presence compares to the competition. 
  2. Determine which platforms are best suited for your client. Not every social media platform is suitable for your business or set goals. Here is an overview of some of the more popular platforms, including pros and cons, and number of users.
    • Facebook: The world’s most popular social media network with more than 2 billion users. It has the largest reach and thus is the most competitive (many advertisers). Facebook is more social. It might be perfect for your clients in the apparel industry but not used by your clients in the financial services industry. 
    • YouTube: If your brand has the resources and budget, the best way to take advantage of the power of video. YouTube has almost 2 billion users. As you know, YouTube has had a very successful campaign for their client Tony Robbins. Our most recent video, Tony Robbins Keys To Massive Success – TOP 13 IN 2019, has 8,572 views and 150 likes as of today. YouTube is a necessary social media network for many of your clients; such as authors, influential speakers, and famous people. 
    • Instagram: Instagram owes its success to its visual approach and has around 1 billion users. Successful marketing, therefore, has a lot to do with the appealing aesthetics of the shared content. 
    • LinkedIn: With over 300 million users, the platform is the world’s largest careers network. LinkedIn is not a place for selling, but you can generate and nurture leads.
    • Twitter: With a limit of 280 characters per tweet, Twitter is known for brevity and spice. Twitter also has over 300 million users. It is priced and requires a lot of content for multiple and regular tweets. However, it is good for directing users to a client’s website and social media platforms. 
    • Snapchat: The platform, with almost 300 million users, has content which disappears. This feature is especially popular with younger users. If your client wants to reach a young audience, this might be a good network for them. 

3. Work with your client to determine which social media platform(s) work best for their business. Then set-up new accounts and/or complete existing ones for each client. 

  • Get inspiration by looking at competitors’ content from our client’s industry. Adopt and evolve successful strategy of other brands. Get inspiration from social media brands inside and outside the client’s industry and globally. Track what your client’s competitors are doing. 

4. Create a social media calendar for your client. The calendar is central to your client’s content marketing plan. It should include the day and time we want to post and to which networks. There are many tools which can assist you in doing this. Hootsuite for example, can help schedule and measure posts. 

5. Lastly and very importantly, test, evaluate and correct our client’s strategy. Adjust the strategy over and over again using performance metrics. Analyze facts such as the number of clicks per post, the reach of our campaigns, and the number of page views made through social media. 


Social media, when used strategically over time, is the most powerful form of marketing the world has ever seen. There are 2.62 billion social media users worldwide and this number is growing rapidly. Unlike some other traditional marketing methods, social media advertising does not cost a fortune. For these reasons, small, medium, and large businesses are increasing their social media marketing budgets. Fitting with our firm’s culture of “Clients First”, it is your goal to create a successful social media strategy for every client. 

The Social Media Guide

Social Media Platforms

Social media is the voice of your brand; therefore, you need to understand each social media platform before creating a social media strategy to target your consumers. It’s clear, the digital world is constantly changing and adapting. Even if you do not consider yourself tech-savvy, understanding the fundamental basics of each social media platform is a great place to start. This article is a step-by-step guide to solving all your problems in the social media world. 

These are the four core social media platforms – Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ that this blog will teach you and the benefits of each channel. 

First, you need to ask yourself several important questions like, “How will your brand efficiently communicate with your consumers?” Furthermore, think about what type of personality do you want your brand to convey to your audience? Another important question to ask yourself is, “What are your goals?” Perhaps you are looking to drive sales or build strong brand awareness with your consumer base. Setting simple goals will point you in the right direction, so make sure you have a clear understanding of what you want to get out of your brand’s social media marketing efforts.


Social Media: Instagram

Instagram is unique compared to the other three platforms because it establishes a visual appeal to your audience. Unlike Twitter, Instagram focuses on imagery allowing users to post images and short videos to grab your attention rather than the text itself. This tool can be very useful when launching a new product or creating brand awareness. Some benefits include: 

·     Determines the number of impressions and reach your post had on your audience.

·     Builds brand awareness by establishing a personality to your brand.

·     Allows for instant gratification with instant postings of images or video content.


Social Media: Twitter

Twitter is considered a staple social media channel that offers a variety of benefits to your business. For example, Twitter is a great way to reach your target in an efficient and informal manner. When you tweet on this platform, Twitter only allows for 280 characters per post limiting what information you put out there. Usually, information placed on this platform is considered timely, relevant, and informative. Below is a list of ways Twitter can boost your business plan.

·     The power of sharing. People use this platform because they can quickly access information as well as easily like or share with others with just a click. This allows your business to stay on top of quick and up-to-date information. 

·     Use of keywords and hashtags. This allows for efficient and effective research with your current audience. It also provides insight into what your target audience likes, shares and/or dislikes. 


Social Media: Google+

Google+ is a very powerful tool to understand when placing a strong emphasis on search engine optimization (SEO). This platform impacts consumers with online research. If you want to grow your brand awareness and rank higher on keyword searches, then you should take advantage of this platform. Below, is a list of just a few of the benefits Google+ can give your business: 

·     Increase brand awareness by ranking higher on keyword searches. 

·     Helps to produce engaging and useful content on a regular basis with consumers.

·     Helps to connect with others, ranking your page higher than your top competitors.


Social Media: LinkedIn

LinkedIn mainly focuses on network and building your brand’s credibility. Normally, LinkedIn users are in the older age range group like college-educated business professionals. This platform can be useful for educating others with relevant content that can also be shared among other businesses. Here are some ways LinkedIn can help grow your brand: 

·     Growing your LinkedIn network can help to generate leads. This tool can help you to find connections with others you may have otherwise missed. 

·     Establish your credibility by sharing educational and valuable content.

Now that you have a basic understanding of these four core platforms, you can evaluate your options when building a social media plan to help grow your brand. Each of these platforms provide a variety of unique benefits; therefore, invest your time in learning more about each of them when developing your business plan. 

Click here to find out more about the benefits of social media marketing.

Digital Marketing for Beginners

Let’s Start with Display Ads: 

Display ads are great for businesses to gain awareness and ultimately encourage consumers to buy their product or service. They can be in the form of a print ad like a banner you see on the side of the road or a digital ad that pops up on the sidebar of your computer. 

As time evolves, display ads continue to adapt and advance. While targeting opportunities are becoming more advanced every day, display ads can be a great resource for businesses looking for unique target approaches. 

Retargeting in the Digital Marketing World: 


From a business perspective, retargeting has become a massive tool for paid ads. From a consumer point of view, you have probably experienced retargeting without even realizing it. It is everywhere. Ever go surf the web for a new product and notice that the product you recently searched now follows you on every social media channel, encouraging you to just buy it? The purpose of this to try and suck you back in, and believe it or not it works on most people. That just means you are being retargeted. 

About every social media network, like Instagram and Facebook, offer to retarget on their platform as a powerful targeting approach. For digital marketing beginners, having a retargeting program as a staple to your business is something every company should highly consider. 

Three Words – Search Engine Optimization (SEO): 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is considered one of the most profitable and efficient digital channels that digital marketing beginners should also highly consider in their digital marketing strategy. For those of you who are unaware of SEO and how it works, it’s simple. Basically, it makes life easier for all internet browsers and consumers out there who trust in an organic search rather than the constant flow of paid ads. Google plays a major role in SEO, allowing high-quality content to be shown as most relevant in the search results based on what keywords the consumer is typing into the search engine. 

Search Engine Optimization

However, from a business perspective, you must consider a couple of things: high-quality content and indexing. For the digital marketing beginners out there, Indexing is the most technical to understand, but it is also very important. Google needs to crawl through all throughout your website in order to digest the content you are placing. It’s important to get your pages indexed for keywords if you want to reach your intended target audience. 

Content is simpler for digital marketers to understand, but also very important. It is vital that your keywords are matching up with the keywords your target audience is typing in the search engine. Social media is a great tool to use when connecting SEO and marketing to target your consumers. It is a useful way for your business to engage with your customers meanwhile communicating with them online to build awareness. Some channels that are helpful to lean on are Facebook, Instagram, Twitters, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+. For beginners, social media is something you should familiarize yourself with as a digital marketer. These social media ads are great tools for targeting any specific audience that may be interested in your product or service you have to offer. Consider investing in SEO because it is a credible agency that understands the importance of making your business relevant to those searching the web. 

A good thing about digital marketing is that Google provides a free analytics platform, so you can easily see where your traffic, revenue, and leads are coming from. This allows you to evaluate your options whether you want to invest your money into other resources throughout the different social media platforms. 

For more information on SEO and how it works click here

3 Tips for Creating a Social Media Plan

Social Media Platforms

As a brand, it is important to map out and determine what you want the brand to look like. The biggest question to ask is “How do you want the brand to be identified and what do you want others to think about the brand?” Once you have a better understanding of how you want the brand to be created, then you can begin creating a social media plan that will work as a nest around the brand.

1 Tip: Export and thoroughly review any social media content that was published over the past year.

Discover what your audience did not resonate with and what content they engaged with by analyzing data from all social media platforms. Keep in mind that you should be focusing on themes within the social media posts and rely on these successes for planning future content. A great way to avoid mistakes is to create a monthly social media calendar that will keep postings on track in the future.

2 Tip: Content is Everything

Unlike some social media platforms, video content can also be very useful. A lot of brands will rely on this tool to help promote their brand or a new product launch through social media. Because your audience is looking for instant gratification, video content can help to enrich your brand. In this current era, there are so many great tools and resources to use that will help edit your content. For example, it is simple to record content on a smartphone and edit with an app called Splice. This will make your video appear more professional to your audience.

3 Tip: Take Advantage of Influencers:

Influencers are considered one of the most powerful tools for building brand awareness. Influencers can be anyone who has a large social media following to a loyal customer who truly believes in the brand and is willing to share with others. How do influencers work? When you want to reach a larger target audience, support from influencers can help achieve that goal by exposing your brand to those who might not have been exposed to. For example, you can send a direct message on Instagram asking them to represent your brand or product. Keep in mind that it is important to be strategic in whom you trust to represent your brand.

Finishing Touches
Since the digital world is constantly changing, the social media planner is required to stay proactive and alert to any new technological advancements and trends that may occur in the future. Building this plan will help create a solid foundation for all social media platforms. However, having flexibility when making any changes is also a great skill to have. In addition, staying organized throughout this process will ensure the ideal execution of your strategic plan. There are so many organizational tools that can help boost your social media platforms. You can utilize some tool listed here:

Sprout Social

Sprout Social: A social media management solution that manages multiple social media profiles, provides social listening, and tracks using analytics.


Hootsuite: A social media management dashboard that helps manage multiple social media profiles and provides analytics to track them.

Ultimately, staying in touch with the latest trends and updates will help you stay on track. Keep your platforms relevant and aesthetically appealing to your audience will go a long way.