Just when you thought Arcade Fire couldn’t get any more psychedelic, some geeks stepped in to make a video experience that would make John Lennon blush. Creators at Google have designed a platform with an interactive short film for the band’s song “Reflektor,” allowing the audience to manipulate videography using a smart phone and a computer.
Tag Archives: Google+
Google Glass in Any Industry
Google Glass was first introduced to the world in April of 2012. Since then, the high-tech device that creates an augmented reality right before the wearer has been utilized in several different industries for innovation, communication, creativity, and knowledge. Continue reading
Google Glasses: Yay or Nay?
Google glasses have become a hot topic in the latest technology news. An accessory that can remember tasks, track down friends and give you directions, Google glasses have gotten people’s attention around the world. Continue reading
Google’s Massive Pile of Cash
Ever wonder how Google affords to buy dozens of startups every year? Well, according to their first quarter earnings report released on Thursday, Google now has more than $50 billion in cash, up from $48.1 billion at the end of 2012.
Alternatives to Google Reader
Over the past few years new RSS feeds have overstepped Google Reader. The following blog will explain a few alternative options similar to Google Reader.
When it was announced that Google Reader was going to “Google’s Graveyard” the tech community should have been surprised. While Google Reader did it’s job – it didn’t keep up with the change in technology.
Can Babble Consolidate All of Google’s Chat Channels?
Would a sophisticated, innovative chat system developed by Google lure you away from traditional text messaging or rival services such as Facebook Messenger? That’s what Google’s plan is with the unveiling of their newest project, Babble.
Will Republicans Catch Up?
After the 2012 election, it was obvious that Republicans had lost their edge over the Democrats in the technology realm. However, young strategists in the Republican Party have now been thinking of ways to overhaul the technology infrastructure for the next elections. Continue reading
What to Wear for a Party!
What to Wear for a Party! How you dress for your party is a huge deal if you’re the party host, because all eyes are on you. That being said, if you are fashion handicapped, thank the Internet for all of its fashion websites and blogs.
When is the Internet Too Much?
With the advent of the internet we no longer have to go to the library to look up a fact because we can just “Google” it. While the convenience of Google is exponential, have we really considered the drawbacks of the Internet?
What to Cook for Your Party
Figuring out what you are going to cook can sometimes be a difficult task. However, the Internet has made this task quite easy. There are so many blogs and websites out there designed to help you choose your party or events menu, that you barely have to think. Continue reading
How to find out where to shop for your event or party on the Internet
Having the World Wide Web has made it extremely easy to find whatever you want whenever you want. Continue reading
Google Plus: Do not be left without a community
Google Plus when announced in 2011 was seen as a social media platform that would not be able to build a substatntial audience and pull focus from Facebook and Twitter. Almost two years later, Google Plus is the second largest social media platform and has over 25 percent of its users active on the platform.
Successful Event Planning
How To Get Your Event Out There!
In order to plan a great party or event, you need to use public relations. How else are you going to get the word out there? Today, more than ever, you need to reach your target audience and the best way to reach them is through social media.