Snapchat Teen Usage Continues to Lead

The world of social media is competitive. It is hard to get ahead, and stay ahead, with so many different platforms. The competition does not seem to faze Snapchat. Numbers don’t lie, and the latest numbers show us that Snapchat teen usage is at an all time high. Why are so many teens choosing this platform over all others? Can the company maintain their success, or is it simply 15 minutes of fame?  Continue reading

Why Google Plus Is Failing

Many people are familiar with the social networking platform Google Plus. Google Plus logoThe basics are pretty much the same as every other networking site, but why don’t you know anyone who uses it? There are many questions surrounding the enigma that is Google Plus. With the name and reputation it possesses, everyone wants to know why Google Plus is failing. Continue reading

Shopping on Instagram with the Instagram and Shopify Integration

For Instagram users who are also online shoppers, you’ll want to be aware of the expanded Instagram and Shopify integration. The goal of the integration is to make online shopping a seamless and enjoyable experience. With e-commerce constantly growing as a channel, the integration becomes a powerful tool for brands to grow their brand and connect with mobile shoppers. Continue reading

Students use Social Media During the SMU Power Outage to get Midterms Canceled

Tuesday evening,  the SMU power outage caused an uproar among students as they attempted to study for midterms through a displacement period and lack of Wifi.  A petition quickly swept through the campus more virally that anything the college has seen in its recent memory. The ability to get almost an entire student population to sign a petition in under three hours shows the close online network of students on college campuses.

Around 4:30 pm, the SMU power outage took out all the lights and wifi on campus. Working quickly, SMU sent out emergency messages demanding everyone on campus and in the dorms evacuate immediately. The messages requested students relocate to United Methodist Church in Highland Park, claiming that they were prepared to house students overnight. The SMU power outage had taken out the entire campus’ network including wifi.

The SMU Power Outage and Evacuation Caused Outrage Among Students

The problem these displaced SMU students faced was without access to the library the internet. Even those off campus did not have access to any SMU website. Due to this, for many students, studying became impossible. Many students with midterms the next day faced immense frustration at the loss of time to prepare for the upcoming test. In response to the overwhelming outrage, a particular student, Will Jones, started a petition. The Change.Org petition titled, ‘Cancel SMU Classes on Wednesday, October 4th Due to the Evacuation’ spread quickly among angry SMU students.

SMU power outage petitionThe petition met its original goal of 500 signatures within minutes. Students started sharing the link on their Facebook pages. Within 45 minutes the petition reached the new goal of 2000. By then the story was gaining traction. People were posting links to Snapchat and Instagram stories, urging every SMU student they knew to sign. By 10 pm over 5,000 people had signed the petition. With an undergrad population of 6,000, this was hard for the provost to ignore. While the administration did not cancel classes, they did send out an email urging all professors to cancel midterms for the following day.

The takeaway from this event is the power that social media has between students in a college. At some point, almost every single student at the school saw the petition and signed it. The ability for students to quickly connect online to one another turned out to be the driving force in this powerful movement. Shareable items such as these have the visibility of an entire campus.  With the right content, these posts can have an immense response rate to their call to action. This fact is key to keep in mind while starting future movements on college campuses.

Twitter Doubled the Character Limit to 280 Characters and Users have Mixed Emotions.

Since Twitter’s founding, brevity has been of paramount importance to the company. But now that Twitter doubled the character limit from 140 to 280 characters, tweets are about to get big. The social media platform released a statement explaining that Twitter doubled the character limit to give users more room to express themselves. Continue reading

Will the VSCO App Become the Next Big Thing In Social Media?

Apps and platforms for social media are constantly changing and updating trying to become the next big thing, the one that is on the top of all the charts, and that is no different for the VSCO app. VSCO is a social media app that combines characteristics from apps such as Tumblr and Instagram and is slowly becoming more and more popular.

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Why Twitter is Changing their 140 Character Limit

Twitter announced Tuesday that the social media platform would move away from their infamous 140 character limit on their tweets. The new limit will double the old one at 280 characters. This fundamental change leaves twitter fans confused as to what prompted this expanded limit. This site since its beginning has been set on their unchanging 140 character limit. Continue reading

How Facebook Ad Tools are Optimizing Marketing

Measuring digital ads with Facebook ad tools can help optimize marketing strategies for businesses. The evolving use of digital devices creates a demand for businesses to strategically connect with customers online and offline. Last year, Facebook introduced three marketing tools to measure the effectiveness of online-to-offline ad impacts. Last week, Facebook offered two new options focusing on targeting offline-to-online leads. These tools help brands understand how effective their Facebook ads are for driving foot traffic and how they can retarget people who interact with the business offline. Continue reading

Stitchfix Online Personal Styling Profile

Stichtfix online personal styling profile makes it easy to match your personal taste and save you the headache of having to leave your house to go shopping. Do you have an important event coming up soon or maybe you’re  just not good at picking out an outfit every day? Not only does Stitchfix pick your outfit, they also send your outfits directly to your home. This app makes it simple and convenient to be styled by your online personal stylist.  Continue reading