What It Means to Be Unfollowed on Twitter


Earlier this month, Miley Cyrus yet again made national news when she “unfollowed” her ex-fiancé, Liam Hemsworth on Twitter. Older generations, like our parents seemed to wonder why this would make national news. Our generation on the other hand, thought “oh no she didn’t”. Being unfollowed is a new social networking tactic our generation can use to be mean.

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The Best Four Years

It’s hard to believe that my time at SMU is about to come to an end. I still remember the day I decided to come to SMU like it was yesterday. I had wanted a school that where I would have the unbeatable opportunities, great friends and the best four years of my life. I walked onto campus on a beautiful fall day, and immediately I was sold.

Posted in SMU

My Academic Curtain Call

The past four years I spent studying at Southern Methodist University might just be the fastest years I have ever experienced.  When I look back at the trials, tribulations, and academic accomplishments of my undergraduate collegiate career it’s hard not to get relatively sentimental.   Continue reading

Posted in SMU

SMU Experience

I have had a very positive experience at SMU. Ever since middle school, I knew I wanted to come to SMU. When I found out I was accepted, I was thrilled and couldn’t wait to begin my college career. It seems like just yesterday when I was standing outside my house and opening my acceptance letter to Southern Methodist University.

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Posted in SMU

Vine is PR Divine

After reading the article, “2 Tips for PR Pros to Add Vine to the Communications Mix” (http://www.prnewsonline.com/water-cooler/2013/04/24/2-tips-for-pr-pros-to-add-vine-to-the-communications-mix/) by Matthew Schwartz, I can say that I recommend Vine to all my other fellow PR collegues . For those who don’t know, Vine was created by Twitter as an extra mobile app that allows you to make and post video clips. The most fun part, in my opinion, is that it only films when you hold down the bottom, allowing you to only film exactly what you want while skipping around what you don’t and without wasting too much time. This is because each video can only last a maximum of six seconds. However, in this day and age, no one has any time – or at least they think they don’t.  Everyone today is so impatient that this has become the perfect tool for “PR pros and communicators to convey a quick message or, at the least, supplement an existing message on another media channel”(Schwartz). Basically, because of Vine’s growing popularity, those who work in PR should jump the gun on this free, easy to use application.  Apparently I am not the only one convinced that Vine has become the next great thing.  Jason Woodward, a digital/social media associate at Hunter Public Relations also agrees. However, he believes that PR professionals need to know two things before they begin using Vine. The first tip Woodward gives is that “Brands can tell stories on Vine that they know their viewers will watch all the way to the end”(Woodward). This is because, as I’ve mentioned, no one in this day in age has the time anymore but people are more likely to actually watch the vine video to completion due to its short length. Also, because the Vine video span is so short it leaves no room for a brand to do anything but tell their story right away, getting straight to the point. The second thing Woodward says is that “Content is still king, but creativity has become the prince”(Woodward). However, because the vines video span is so short, content is the most important thing in your marketing message. You must be creative and because you cannot edit.  You really need to master this to gain the attention of others, which I believe gets the real message across because this means there is no room to mislead viewers. I know when I get my first job at a PR firm this is the first thing I am going to encourage them to use, if they aren’t already!

Be your own PR Mixologist

Since I have talked a lot about Public Relations; I thought I would share 5 New Technologies that can help your own PR mix by making it more interesting. The article that taught me all these amazing tips was called “5 New Technologies to Spice Up Your PR Mix” by Christopher Bennett found on PR News Online. Continue reading

How to earn PR success with your events

How to earn PR success with your events

I have talked a lot about how to utilize social media for planning events, but Public Relations is just as important. While reading PR News online (http://www.prnewsonline.com) I came across a great article I would like to share with you! The article titled “6 Tips for PR Success with Your Events” http://www.prnewsonline.com/water-cooler/2013/04/01/tis-the-season-6-tips-for-event-pr-success/by Scott Van Camp provides tips for public relations. Continue reading

My Dallas Saint Patrick’s Day Experience

My Dallas Saint Patrick’s Day Experience

My Dallas Saint Patrick’s Day Experience was amazing.

I had never experienced St. Patrick’s Day in Dallas until this past Saturday. I  heard it was a great time, but was not totally convinced.  Now I know what all the crave is about .

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Can’t Get No Satisfaction


Lately I’ve been intrigued in the scholarly articles circulating the web and my email about the characteristics of the last 3 generations. Baby Boomers, Generation X, and then our generation, Gen Y, all embody different qualities and flaws due to the social and technological advancements of their respective eras.

Gen Y are commonly referred to as the “Millenials,” and consists of those born anywhere between 1980’s-2000. The inherent qualities pertaining to our Gen Y’s are narcissism, rejection of social convention, and a desire for immediate satisfaction. Now these don’t appear as very flattering qualities on the surface, which inspired me to research the reasoning behind these appellations. Continue reading

The Consequences of Social Media Use Over Spring Break

As we all go our separate ways next week for Spring Break, it’s important to be conscious about what you and your peers post online from your respective vacation destinations.

In a moment of impulsive joy, it is easy to get carried away taking funny Instagram pictures to entertain your audience of followers, but those kinds of photos are more likely to harm you than help you.  Sloppy tweeting, jarring facebook posts and embarrassing comments have the ability to alter your online reputation over the long term.

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What to Wear for a Party!

What to Wear for a Party! How you dress for your party is a huge deal if you’re the party host, because all eyes are on you. That being said, if you are fashion handicapped, thank the Internet for all of its fashion websites and blogs.

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