Doing Good through Social Media

Fortunately there is plenty of competition for good causes online. The start of the Niche Network Series covers the basic benefits of three social media networks for do-gooders:, Care2 and

Niche Social Networks to Do Good

Learn Three Sources To Channel Goodness Today. Read This Blog.


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Facebook Me, Just Kidding

Portlandia- Media Loop

It’s hard to imagine life without the “book.” In addition, that usually also consists of tabs open with Twitter, Pintrest, Tumblr, Youtube, and the list is endless. Yet there is also an unusual tendency among every few friends or acquaintances who decide to put all caution to the wind, and straight up delete their Facebook. Its respectable, but curious.

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Social behavior predictions for latest gadgets and gizmos

Signs of the digital divide are bound to continue showing in patterns of digital consumption. Here are three of many ways in which consumers choices will show the social split among “haves and have nots” for the rest of the year: iPhone 5s or 5c, Google Wallet and the Samsung Galaxy Gear.

Wealth and Technology Consumption

You mean you don’t have the i-toothpick yet?

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Booty Shorts: An Epidemic

As the Texas heat wave shows promise of cooling down, there is belief that it will take the revealing clothing trends with it. This summer has unleashed a desire in women across America to display parts of their bodies that should only be revealed in various settings such as the club or behind closed doors. To many, there is nothing wrong with that, yet to others, there is great concern. Continue reading

Tryin’ To Make Me Go To Rehab

Passages Malibu


Let’s face it. Whether we admit it or not celebrities seem to rule the universe that we live in. No matter how much we stalk them or attempt to give them zero attention, they still manage to seem like this is their world and we are just living in it. But what happens when their world comes crashing down and invades our world or normalcy? Continue reading

Phonebloks – Will It Work?

Electronic waste is piling up with the constant replacement of phones, but maker Dave Hakkens has a solution. Phoneblok is a new type of smartphone – it is made of up of detachable parts that can be taken out and easily replaced. With Phoneblok, if the screen cracks, the camera breaks, or the battery is starting to run slow, you can take out the piece that is damaged and replace it with a better one. It is a new concept that seems like a perfect solution – but will people buy it?

Apple? Windows? No time to rest on your digital laurels, the world operates in more than one way.

It is time to start thinking about a world of proprietary software and niche operative systems …desktop, mobile and otherwise. Shake out your digital comfort zone beyond internships or industries.

Read if:

  • your entire computing know-how or will-to-learn is limited to Apple, Windows or Linux, or
  • you have never heard of Ubuntu and you are  about to graduate or change jobs
Four tablets with different operative systems

Image of main mobile Operative Systems in the world owned by Apple, Microsoft, Blackberry and Google

What Would Jerry Maguire Do?


Sometimes all you need is a cinematic classic to exemplify  lessons of business ethics we heard about in class. There is much to learn from watching Tom Cruise in his heyday– playing the unforgettable role of sports manager as the title character, Jerry Maguire.

The movie sets the stage for something students write off and don’t quite understand as naive beginners in a new world. Students understand these basic rules and guidelines and mentally categorize certain moral principles under “ethics.” And although most understand the meaning and basic importance of “ethics,” often without a narrative there is no grasp at the real meaning behind the word.

Jerry Maguire is a character any given communication studies aficionado can relate. As Maguire states in the movie, “I’m the one behind the scenes.” 

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The New TV Model as an Opportunity for Media Professionals

The big change that traditional television and cable are experimenting equals opportunity for you.

Netflix’s 14 Emmy nominations, and with 3 for original programming (separate from NBC network) –how these among other cultural changes affect you as a young professional involved in media, marketing, technology, law, etc.

Netflix, Hulu, Amazon

IPTV Internet Protocol Television applications

Tech Manners

In the new age of technology our everyday lives have been completely flipped upside down. But how do we decide appropriate Tech Manners? The days of calling your friend on your house’s landline phone are over. You can send a quick text maybe even a Snapchat to get in touch. But, where does this leave us? What are the dos and don’ts of tech use in everyday life? Continue reading

Writing is a Muscle

Writing is a muscle so FLEX IT. As I write one of my final pieces of writing for school I reflect on my first pieces of writing for school and why it is so important.

In the first grade in Ms. Robinson’s class we traced cursive letters and words in our books everyday. That is wear I literally learned to write. The action itself was the difficult part I wasn’t coming up with my own content yet. Second grade I wrote and illustrated a book describing my Christmas vacation, and after that writing was something we did everyday in school.

Now I am a senior in college with less than three weeks left till graduation and I write with ease. After seventeen years of education I am pretty happy with my writing abilities, but writing is a muscle. I have friends majoring in finance who have not used that muscle in a long time and it has become weak. The act of writing takes only a little bit of time to return to you, but remembering how to build sentences, paragraphs, and arguments is difficult.

Blogging is an excellent way to work the writing muscle. Creating content is challenging, but being a great communicator is rewarding and empowering. Blogging can help flex that writing muscle and prevent it from getting weak. Life is about communication, and if you can communicate well then you should be good at life!


Writing is a muscle. Flex it.

We are Big Brother

How did it come to this? We are Big Brother.

boston bomber

Everyone has the ability to take a picture or video at the press of a button, and when anything even remotely exciting happens around someone that is exactly what they do.

Walking around in a public place you will notice how at least 50% of the people you see are on their phones. People are constantly, texting, calling, searching, and tweeting, but the moment someone nearby starts to get in an argument or do anything attention worthy peoples fingers are on the camera button.

I don’t like this. I feel like I am constantly under surveillance by the people around me. Big Brother. People used to worry about the government listening in and watching everyone secretly, but it’s the random citizens around you that will take a picture of you at an in opportune time and put it on the Internet.  The surveillance though is not all bad.

The Boston bombers were caught walking around on fuzzy street cameras, but the pictures taken on peoples smart phones before and right after the bombs went off is what incriminated them. The videos have them as suspects, but the phone pictures have them caught red handed. Without peoples smart phone pictures the FBI would not have been able to get a good identifiable photo out to the press.

Camera phones make the world a safer place, but make no mistake. The government isn’t big brother. We are.

Vine is PR Divine

After reading the article, “2 Tips for PR Pros to Add Vine to the Communications Mix” ( by Matthew Schwartz, I can say that I recommend Vine to all my other fellow PR collegues . For those who don’t know, Vine was created by Twitter as an extra mobile app that allows you to make and post video clips. The most fun part, in my opinion, is that it only films when you hold down the bottom, allowing you to only film exactly what you want while skipping around what you don’t and without wasting too much time. This is because each video can only last a maximum of six seconds. However, in this day and age, no one has any time – or at least they think they don’t.  Everyone today is so impatient that this has become the perfect tool for “PR pros and communicators to convey a quick message or, at the least, supplement an existing message on another media channel”(Schwartz). Basically, because of Vine’s growing popularity, those who work in PR should jump the gun on this free, easy to use application.  Apparently I am not the only one convinced that Vine has become the next great thing.  Jason Woodward, a digital/social media associate at Hunter Public Relations also agrees. However, he believes that PR professionals need to know two things before they begin using Vine. The first tip Woodward gives is that “Brands can tell stories on Vine that they know their viewers will watch all the way to the end”(Woodward). This is because, as I’ve mentioned, no one in this day in age has the time anymore but people are more likely to actually watch the vine video to completion due to its short length. Also, because the Vine video span is so short it leaves no room for a brand to do anything but tell their story right away, getting straight to the point. The second thing Woodward says is that “Content is still king, but creativity has become the prince”(Woodward). However, because the vines video span is so short, content is the most important thing in your marketing message. You must be creative and because you cannot edit.  You really need to master this to gain the attention of others, which I believe gets the real message across because this means there is no room to mislead viewers. I know when I get my first job at a PR firm this is the first thing I am going to encourage them to use, if they aren’t already!

Be your own PR Mixologist

Since I have talked a lot about Public Relations; I thought I would share 5 New Technologies that can help your own PR mix by making it more interesting. The article that taught me all these amazing tips was called “5 New Technologies to Spice Up Your PR Mix” by Christopher Bennett found on PR News Online. Continue reading

How to Restore an Image

Because I have talked a lot about public relations with events, I thought it would be nice to share and reiterate how to restore an image and the ways that I learned about from the article titled, “4 Ways to Rehabilitate a Sullied Image” that I found on PR News Online ( by Bill Miltenberg. Continue reading

How to earn PR success with your events

How to earn PR success with your events

I have talked a lot about how to utilize social media for planning events, but Public Relations is just as important. While reading PR News online ( I came across a great article I would like to share with you! The article titled “6 Tips for PR Success with Your Events” Scott Van Camp provides tips for public relations. Continue reading